What’s your (unpopular) opinion(s)?

It’s okay. I still love and accept you.



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I am almost a whole year late to this topic! My unpopular opinions are…

  1. Disney should keep the classic shows and rides it still has. I see a lot of you want them changed.
  2. Epcot is the best park at WDW, but should keep it’s festivals shorter.
  3. Disney’s quick service and snack prices aren’t that bad, but their table service/character meals/buffets can be outrageously expensive.
  4. I love the movies in the World Showcase.
  5. Hall of Presidents and especially The American Adventure are wonderful.
  6. Disney really needs a 5th park. Not to compete with Universal, but because it’s been 25 whole years since AK opened. I like to spend over a week at Disney World and thoroughly explore the parks, but with their slow construction now there is not enough new stuff. Speed it up and offer more.
  7. I’ve been to Universal Orlando Resort twice and it just didn’t thrill me either time.

Crystal Palace was a one-and-done for me. I’m surprised to find out that are many liners (at least 3 that I know of) who love it!


It’s always our character meal!


Just noticed the thread! (I’m a bit late to the party it seems!)

My last Crystal Place visit was 2018. The food was great & I have a genuine connection to Pooh. (way more than Mickey)

FYI - I used my “pandemic time” to work out and finally lose the weight I kept saying I was going to do! I’m about 30lbs. heavier here!

My Unpopular Opinions -

Tomorrowland is a disaster / joke as it currently sits. Except for Tron, the rides are dated & boring! You, literally, would have to pay me to ride PeopleMover, Carosel of Progress, Speedway.

Monster’s Inc. is great A/C and not much else, Astro Orbiter may be the worst queue in MK and Orlando. (I can name a few horrible queues to wait in! Maybe that should be a poll or something!!)
Buzz is habitually broken and is on par with most arcades of the 1990s…

Space Mt. needs to be taken down and retracked completely. It’s still using designs and material from almost 40 years ago! Coaster designs are better now and use better materials! This is a “MOUNTAIN” at WDW. It shouldn’t take it falling into a sinkhole before they fix / improve it!

:crazy_face: :rofl: :innocent:

I’m gonna stop there, because I could keep going about how to fix the Land. That’s a manifesto!


I love Crystal Palace breakfast!


Oh wow!! Good for you!! :clap: I think you are the first person I hear saying lost weight during the pandemic. I got 10 lbs that have stuck around and not going anywhere.


Same here.

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Now you are the 4th person. 4 and counting…

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B-but what about the nostalgia? I didn’t even go to MK as a child and I still feel it.


Awww! Me too. I think a lot of it is that the original Winnie the Pooh shorts (that were later put together into the full-length feature) came out when I was at the prime age for them.


I have nostalgia for a few things, like Space Mt. That’s why it doesn’t get a bulldozer in my mind!

The others… :sleeping: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

My first “teddy bear” was a Pooh. He & I went through a lot together. My daughter lost him when she was little. I, literally, went into another room and cried for the rest of the day. (I was a good Dad & didn’t get mad)


Yes. It might put a dent in the business of a few chiropractors, but sometimes we have to accept the consequences for the greater good. :joy:

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I kind of agree with @darkmite2 on some of his opinions. I really don’t think buzz and Monsters, Inc. belong in TL. If we want IP, what about Wall-E? I would love a Wall-E themed interactive ride in place of Buzz. I think Monsters, Inc. is super fun (it’s still novel to me) but would put it somewhere else.

I would definitely keep PM and CoP though!


And let’s not forget the Stitch ride that closed. That was unforgivable.


Can we start talking about how to fix it??? I got ideas that IME are practical, minimal cost and help shape it so “Tomorrow”-land is never out of date…

I just don’t want to rant & bore everyone!!


Always wanted a topic like this, though I don’t have time to post now. Will go back to it later.


This really was. I remember saying to DD13 (she would have been about 7? maybe I think) that we would ride it next time–we ran out of time that day. And then there was no next time…

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I mean, keep talking! I don’t really have anything to add–I get antsy when people start talking about CHANGE. Some change is good, though, and your thoughts make for interesting reading.