Total gamble live-ish trip report 3/17-3/20


I saw this too and thought way too much about how this came about. Did someone order too short plexiglass and it needed a boost? Was this the best way they could think of to secure it? Was this the original design?
My brother is an engineer, and at his first job (in our very hillbilly hometown) he got a certificate that said he was an HBE - hillbilly engineer.
I feel like whoever made this is an experienced HBI -hillbilly imagineer


It had me pondering too. I thought they ordered too short and then wanted to keep it from flopping around and a mom was like “no problem cut a slit in a booster seat and you’re done. Let’s hit babies r us I can have this done in an hour”. :rofl:




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Ok didn’t get as long a break as I would’ve liked midday but we did everything on our list and ate a ton of great food along the way! I think if you’re a Disney resort guest that can RD power walk you might be able to get three headliners in the am first thing before waits all soar :wink:. We got 2.5 driving and parking and being just behind that wave. (.5 meaning we waited I think 40ish minutes for MS.)

A few of the “ride anytime” classics are now not at least in the am so if you can hit headliners then ditch to WS you can circle back to Living and Nemo like we did and walk on. Figment at that point was still busy. Things really don’t let up until from what we saw 830/9pm and even then headliners are still a wait just not the crazy ones you’ll see midday.

Oh also here’s my chicken scratch notes of the food that was highly rated and that I thought we’d like (just in case anyone doesn’t want to read all that or plans a last minute trip).

Also also I was pleasantly surprised there were hardly any lines at the festival food booths and they were great about cycling people through but also not letting food sit under warmers so it was fresh/hot and quick. Expectations well exceeded there.


Crushed it. My 12 yr old heading back into the park says “ready to take me where I want to go? No?” I asked her if she was talking to her legs and she said “yes but I’m disinterested in their opinion right now - let’s go!”. :rofl:. #thatoneisdefinitelymine



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So funny!

Oh also - someone had told me ADRs were having to wait quite a bit. I was able to check in on app at 540 for 6pm La Hacienda from the Epcot Engineering building walking over and they seated us immediately a couple minutes later on arrival. No wait. But it wasn’t slammed yet and was Epcot so like everything else YMMV but data points for those planning!


Y’all…the anxiety! :rofl::sob::heart_eyes:


You’re a superstar!!!


I credit all the adrenaline for fast fingers (especially considering I wasn’t even in the app 10 seconds before time because I was still wandering around speed testing) :grimacing:. Pretty sure hubs was close to yelling at me. :rofl:. After a totally botched attempt to practice yesterday (we all failed) and friend saying only go if we get ROR BG not gonna lie I was wayyyy too riled up for this. :rofl:. Shame our Oga’s res isn’t for 9am!

Took all the advice on this page. Powered down phone 30 min before and restarted. 5 min before logged out of and back into MDE app. Speed tested wifi and cellular (cell worlds faster at least where we are - Blue Tree Resort). Clicked on AT card in the app a few seconds before (see previous note about cutting it too close) and then held down the join virtual queue until time, released and blue button was there, hit it then had finger ready at the bottom to click the second I saw the button show under our party. Good luck everyone!



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Guuurl. The struggle is real. :rofl:

801am arrived by car to HS about 8 back in line haven’t opened gates yet - thought about Ubering to Speedway but UberXL was $64!! at time we would’ve left and I’m cheap(ish) so didn’t care that much. Plus after getting ROR BG I kind of don’t care if we stand in lines at the rest today (says me now ask me in a few hours)… #BGbliss




Parking booths opened 810am. Here we go!

Sidenote for those driving at least so far (EP and HS) standard parking is left lanes past booths and preferred is right lanes in case you want to save yourself some zig zagging…


Ok 831am at ToT. Standby says 13min which is an interesting random amount of time. We shall see…


I think they mounted plexiglass right in the middle of seats at Star Tours too.


Thanks for all the detailed time information! Have a great day and enjoy the warm weather! If you need a mask break and to cool down later, go to the Indiana Jones relaxation station, they have big fans there and of course shaded. (You can also take food and drink in too)