Marathon Weekend 1/5 - 1/8/2023: The Main Thread

So I guess I’ll be waiting in that epic Line Hell again…

That is so exciting! Congratulations! I did not realize it was coming up so soon…life has been busy. I have a half coming up in November…if there are still spots left! 16 weeks sounds so close after all this time! Did an 11 mile run this weekend and it felt good so I think I’ll be ready. Happy training!


If you want to cheer on runners, best way to do it easily is schedule your EPCOT day for the day of the full marathon on the Sunday. There are a several places where the runners go through the park and it’s so fun to cheer them on! They are nearing the end of the race and it’s super motivating for them too. I did this in 2019 and I was so inspired by all the marathoners, that I decided to run my first full at Disney (which I did, this year!).

As far as getting around goes, if you use Disney transportation, you will be fine. If you want to drive yourself to the parks on race days, the only long race days are Saturday and Sunday for the half and the full. Generally, Disney does a great job with re-routing traffic so you can get to where you need to go. Remember the races start very early in the morning (5AM), so even with the full marathon, many of the runners are off the main road parts and running either in the parks or running back stage (a fun perk of the runs!).

I really wouldn’t sweat it too much but bring a little patience on Saturday and Sunday mornings if you choose to drive. Also as the race gets closer, Disney will put out the race route map and the road closures, so you should be able to find accurate information the week before the race.


JordanRunner’s Race to Grant More Wishes

I’m running Dopey for Give Kids The World and it’s time I give a proper update on my running. If you want the whole backstory you can head over to Our Wish thread. Here I’ll just update on my running progress, which was punctuated last weekend by a total bomb of a half marathon.

A week after last Dopey I injured my ankle/foot, some soft-tissue strain or maybe a minor tear, and had a hell of a time getting back into running. I was really stubborn about not going to the doc because there was only pain when I tried running. None when walking or standing, even if walking a lot. So I just kept resting and try to run every few weeks. I was finally able to complete easy short runs without any pain by April/May. So 3-4 months of losing endurance, speed, and strength. Not good.

Here’s my training log from January to May (not sure if you can read the tiny text or not):

Although I was able to start running again in May, I was not able to push myself very hard because we had record-breaking heat all summer. Almost all of my runs were in hot weather, and most were in 90+ temps. I set a personal record for completing a run in 109F! And I did that twice! Safe to say my pace has been crap.

I was hoping to get a half marathon PR last weekend to submit my Dopey proof-of-time, but I totally bombed. I was hoping to be close to 2:00 even. I finished in 2:37. But it was 84 degrees and 80% humidity. Not good weather for a PR… However, it was my first in-person race weekend since Dopey and it felt great to be running with the masses again. Now that a few days have passed I’m forgiving myself for bonking the half time. It’s been a crappy training season so far, out of my control. It was hot and humid. Adjusting for that using some data I found online would probably put me closer to 2:15 or 2:20 which makes me feel better. I also ran a 5k the day before at a pretty good pace (this was a 2-race “challenge” event), in fact it was my best run all year. I then stayed on my feet all day after the 5k volunteering at the St. Jude Dallas walk/run, totaling 20,000 steps that day. So I was really fatigued going into the half.

Ok, all that complaining is done. Yesterday, my GKTW jerseys arrived, along with cooler temps! I’m pumped up to get back into my training and hoping that the cooler temps will make a huge difference. Ironically, the temperature got up to 90 on Sunday (the day I ran the half), before a cold front came through in the afternoon. The temps have been in the 50s/60s in the mornings all week. Why couldn’t that front have come through 12 hours earlier?

Had a great 6-mile run this morning, aside from a side stitch that messed me up after mile 3. But my pace is way better than just a week ago. 17-miler coming up in 2 weeks. I’ll be ready!


You collect a lot of data (I’m jealous - I’m just too lazy to do that!)


You have no idea. Let me unmask my nerdiness a little more. Since I started running in 2018 I’ve been building a whole program in Excel… It has become quite complex. I track just about everything I can easily import from various health apps. Examples below: all the columns in my “runs” table, timeline of my first year of running, and a distance-time plot.




I really like the timeline, it’s my “couch-to-Dopey”.

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haha! I was thinking the same thing. I’m way too lazy for that sort of record keeping! :sweat_smile:
Way to go @NoBellePrizeWinner!! The weather the last few months in Texas have been brutal - especially for running! I think we’ll be pleasantly surprised by our race paces as the temps cool


Congratulations to everyone on their running journey!

We are 89 days away from the start of the 5k race. I cannot believe how close it is. Where did the summer go?

I am embarrassed to say I collect a large amount of data as well. Though this year I have decided to not get bogged down in the metrics and just enjoy the training process…well as much as you can enjoy a training block.

I am currently in week 9 of 22 (week 22 is race week). If you count the previous training block, I am in week 22 of 35. I am feeling pretty good most days, but as expected, some days are extremely difficult to get out the door. It is hard to stay motivated when your training plan is purposely adding additional fatigue to your legs.

I saw your comment on one of my runs a few weeks ago @NoBellePrizeWinner . I appreciate the kudos. If you are interested in how my speed has started to get back to pre-medical issue levels, all I can say is Intervals! I hate doing them every week, but they are the reason why I am able to increase my pacing.

I would be more than happy to share them with you. In fact, I will give you $20 if you run them for me! :rofl:

Stay safe out there on your running journey. Know we are here for moral support if and when needed…you got this!


Why are you embarrased by this?! I am in awe of it! First off I wouldn’t know how to display that amount of data or make it work in a meaningful way, and secondly I don’t have the discipline to collect it to begin with!

Indeed. It’s mind over matter but you know this.

Wow. I’m not sure you actually appreciate how hard running is. I would consider it but you’d have to offer a lot more than $20.

Good luck out there! I’m missing it a bit this year so I have no doubt there’s another in my future. I sure as heck hope that ebola outbreak doesn’t eff up my Africa trip which would mean I missed this marathon for nothing… :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Hi, all! My training is going decently so far! DH is running with me for training, Doing the Jeff Galloway run/walk stuff and I don’t feel like death every time I run! Yay! We have been running in our flat neighborhood in the Chicago suburbs. We just arrived in Pigeon Forge, TN, for the long weekend and we have a lonnnng run tomorrow! I’m nervous about hills. Any tips for handling those. And has anyone visited or live around here that suggests a good running trail? Getting excited!

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Anyone here going to MK the night of the Marathon? I’m thinking about doing the dessert party to celebrate my marathon finish. Would be fun to meet up with some other Liners and hang out at the party together.

Right now I do plan on heading the MK after the Marathon to try and walk out some of the stiffness. I also will be forcing my DS to go to the park to try and recover from is first Marathon. Not sure if we will do the dessert party or not.

I would in to have a meet up.

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That actually does bring up a question! I’m doing the half…how long from finish to hotel (Swan) should we anticipate? Trying to figure out where/when to meet up with family after!

I think the fastest you could expect is probably 30ish minutes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes 45. I think 5-10 minutes from finish line to bus, 5-10 minutes waiting for bus to leave, 5-10 minutes driving, maybe another 5-10 minutes at Boardwalk (in my experience, bus route is Boardwalk, Swan/Dolphin, Yacht, Beach). But there could easily be 5-10 minutes extra in there.

ETA: I’m probably being optimistic. I think each of those times could easily be 10-15 minutes. Especially the walking to the bus and waiting. It’s a long walk, and if an empty bus shows up right when you get there you could be waiting 10-15 minutes easily unless it fills up quickly. This is a big unknown because it depends on how many people from your hotel are getting to the bus at the same time. As soon as a bus is mostly full it will leave.

I think Jordan’s times are pretty accurate. I went through my photos to looks at timestamps because I honestly had no idea how long it normally took me. For Princess 1/2 2021 I have a picture with my medal at 7:47, a picture with champagne at 7:59 (I always head to the food tent & get a glass of champagne when I finish) & then a photo getting of the bus at Saratoga Springs at 8:31.

Either my bus was really quick or I drank the champagne too fast…either way about 30-45 minutes from finish back to the hotel is doable.

Editing to add that you can use your magic band for champagne or beer :grinning: :wine_glass:




I keep reading these things and I think I did it all wrong!

Where the heck even was this?

It’s the big food tent! That’s where I always tell people to meet me after the race. I grab my champagne & a high top table & pair the champagne with the fake cheese & chips! It’s my favorite runDisney tradition.