Marathon Weekend 1/5 - 1/8/2023: The Main Thread

I didn’t see any big food tent! I saw my medal and an exit chute and then I was in the spectator area.

Can you see it in the background? When I finish I go there. My friends & I track each other & just meet by the high top tables. We don’t cheer at the finish line when we are done. When we get the text that someone finishes we grab them a champagne or a beer if they prefer. I didn’t have any friends finishing around the same time as me for Princess 1/2 so I drank my champagne alone & then got on the bus.


Right but I don’t know where that issssssssssssss :frowning:

I’m so sad I missed out!

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Princess 2020 when it was freezing!

Once you exit where you can pick up your gear check it’s to the left, for buses you would go right, so it’s opposite.


OMG you look so cold here and your champagne is freezing top-down!

Where the cat told you it was. You may have been preoccupied.


Maybe you should do another race to make up for this loss. On that topic - are you still running at all?

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There’s definitely more runDisney in my future. But with Africa on the horizon taking up all of my dollars and paid time off, it isn’t my year.

I’m not running at this time. I’m starting to feel the itch to get back to it again, but right now I’m walking 2-3 miles 4-5 times a week for general fitness.

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Glad to hear that.

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Wow. I totally miss everything! After a race I usually grab the free Powerade and water, grab the food box and banana, get a picture at the little kiosk and then I am directly on a bus.

I really need to research what is available after a race!


I’ll be running the 1/2 marathon weekend, so I hope some of you venture over to the food tent to find me. I’ll be one in the Bo-Peep costume drinking champagne :blush:


Excellent. We need to coordinate a liner meet-up during the MW.


I will look for you! Still no idea as to what i’ll be wearing! I just got an alert to make dining reservations…I can’t believe it is so soon!

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I’ve been seeing all my facebook memories combined with friends in marathon groups posting - it was 20 miler weekend for those on the Galloway plan for the full! That day was a good day for me :slight_smile: The 20 miler was when I knew without a doubt that I could do it so long as I could get to the starting line avoiding illness and injury!

I’m having FOMO!


We will all be having FOMO when you go to Africa!!! I was supposed to do my first Half this weekend but my daughter was sick (on the mend now) so i’ll run it by myself tomorrow! It was an amazing feeling two weeks ago to hit 13.5 miles!!! We were looking at pictures from last year and the change is remarkable…from cardiac rehab to a half marathon! I’m feeing pretty grateful.

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Aw bummer :frowning: I’m sorry she was ill. Glad she is on the mend though!

I will cheer you on from here! Good luck!!!


I know! This was the first year I have not been prepared for dining reservations 6 months out. It is crazy how quickly it is approaching.


I am impressed by the Galloway runners and their ability do those super long runs before the race. It takes a lot of mental toughness to get through them.

I count 57 days until the 5k.

Stay safe out there. See you real soon.

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I’m doing my 20-miler tomorrow for my birthday. I’ll be posting somethin special here at some point soon too. Teaser - I got a nifty 360 camera and I’m planning on videotaping the entire Dopey. Tomorrow is my first real test to see if I can even carry a camera for 5 hours. It will be a 100% full body workout that is for sure.


There’s gotta be a way to attach that to your person.

If you are able to do it it will be epic!

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Yes but it will be much better if I can use the 360 stick. The final video will look like you are running next to me, not sticking out of my chest (wearing the camera on a vest) or out the top of my head (wearing on a headstrap). My biggest concern is actually whether security will even let me bring in the stick. Their policy is so vague. No selfie sticks, but monopods and tripods are ok. From what I gather, as long as the stick is not “extendable” I should be ok. It is only about 20" long or so, just long enough to get away from my body so the video looks like I have a camera man running alongside me. It is a pretty cool effect. You will see.

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