Marathon Weekend 1/5 - 1/8/2023: The Main Thread


Now that’s awesome.

Yes, yes it will be. The only thing better would be to livestream it, which I’ve looked into but it is just not feasible. I would have to wear a backpack with a 5g+wifi modem and some other electronic gear to make that happen. Maybe in the future when technology is slightly better (like solid, strong 5g signal all across property not just in the parks).

Yeah not feasible at all. There’s a huge shortage of bandwidth to support the number of people that try to go live at any one moment.

I remember last year I ran by a guy that was livestreaming it for a local news station. Not sure how they managed that but I assume they had a satellite linked to a van that the runner was sending a signal to somehow. Professional equipment, costing $1000s, maybe $10,000.

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I saw that guy out there too - or one of his pals

I just realized that he is carrying a gimbal with his phone on it. If he can use that during the race, I’m hopeful they will let me use the 360 stick. It’s really not different from a safety perspective, although I guess my stick is slightly longer.

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Hey! Save that for the Uncensored Thread!

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I’ll see myself out now…

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That is going to be Epic! I cannot imagine holding onto a camera for the entire race. That is going to be brutal!

I have seen multiple people in past races carrying cameras on sticks. You should be good to go.

Good luck! 20 miles for your 20th birthday! Happy Birthday Jordan. :piñata: :tada: :cake:


I did it and survived. Can barely move. Will share more later

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Nice work, buddy! Happy birthday! Proud of you!

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Awesome. That was quite a long run!

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So I messed up my mapping and ended up going a little more than 22 miles. Oops! Although I walked a lot the last 5-7 miles, the fact that I finished 22 miles while carrying a camera in one hand and a water bottle in the other proved to me that I can finish the marathon. And videotape the whole thing. It will be even easier since I won’t have to carry water with me. Yesterday was my version of @OBNurseNH’s:

It really is an incredible feeling. I no longer have the nagging doubt in my mind, and can look forward to the rest of my training instead of wondering if I’m doing enough to get to the finish line.

Unfortunately I had condensation between the lens and lens protector in the exact spot I was standing. I’ll have to figure this out for the Dopey. I may just remove the lens protectors.

You can see downtown Dallas way in the background.


Hydration Vest.

Yep. I remember that top of the world I’ve totally got this feeling :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Those pics are awesome!

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Great work! It is funny how our minds mentally try and trick us into thinking we cannot do this. We can push a hell of a lot further than our minds want us to believe.

Quick check-in:

  • We are 52 days away from the 5k.
  • Last week I ran for a total of 6 hours.
  • This week was only 5.5 hours to pull-back and get ready for the last push.
  • Over the next 5 weeks the hours-on-feet will ramp up to 8 hours.

We are almost there! Stay healthy and safe out there. See 'ya real soon.


Last long run done. Now the tapering begins. The Dallas Marathon is on December 11. I suspect it won’t be as fun as Disney, but I’m excited (and nervous)!


Rock on! That is fabulous!!

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Congratulations. I envy those entering the taper! Have a great race.