Training Talk

Our running store will take them back for recycling or donating depending on the condition and there have also been donation bins at both races I’ve done this year.

ETA- but I haven’t worn a pair out yet. I’m planning to get a new pair in September.


That’s what I’m feeling like right now. I only need one old pair for yard work, ect . . . but I’ve got at least 3 pair that are no good for running anymore.

I’ll check with the running stores and see if they have a donation/recycle program.

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I just donated 3 bags of running shoes to my local running store!


Getting ready for 8 miles this morning! I’ve been running 7 max since Princess. It’s time to start upping the mileage. Hopefully it won’t be too hot this morning.


I got it done :white_check_mark:. I was drenched with sweat when I got home :rofl:. I’m taking next weekend off for a quick RCL cruise & then it’s up to 9 miles the following weekend!


Ooooff. I missed all of my maintenance runs last week and decided to go for it on the distance anyway yesterday. Not my best idea. I am hurting today. Can’t wait to get these kids back in school so I have a more consistent schedule for these last 2 months.


I always regret when I do that…but I never learn from my mistakes! Ice and stretch today!!


That’s tough. Way to get it done though, even if you’ll pay for it. Definitely helps when the kids are occupied.

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Long run recovery = motrin + hot shower + compression stockings x24hrs + foam rolling PRN


Been wearing compression socks all day today, but I aways forget about foam rolling. Will definitely do that before bed tonight.

I’m at the girls gymnastics now and I know they have foam rollers around here somewhere. Maybe I’ll see if they’ll let me use one for a few minutes :joy:

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I remembered to put compression sleeves on after my long run in Saturday. It definitely helped :blush:.

I’ve repeated 9 miles for a few weeks. It’s still so hot here, but I will need to increase soon.

My local running group has officially started, so I will be adding speedwork once a week. That helped me a lot a last year.


I did 8 yesterday but was completely soaked through between mile 1 and 2. The humidity is out to get me for sure.

Also, I truly cannot believe that in January so was like, no, I’m not a runner, and now I’m getting up early on the weekend to run 8 miles. I may be slow as molasses, but I’m really proud of myself.


As you should be!!!

Keep going. You’re doing great!!

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Great work.

The main thing I have heard is if you miss a run, move on and continue the plan as is. I also recall that the most important run is the long run. If you are going to miss a run, try not to miss the long one.

I have been preparing for a half marathon that is happening in 12 days. My mileage is up to around 8.5 miles on Saturdays and 9 miles on Sundays. I have been in that range for the past 3 weeks.

I am running about 270 minutes a week right now. It is crazy to think that those 270 minutes will ramp up to 400 minutes for Marathon weekend.


Just saw this thread for the first time, not sure how I missed it. I just posted in the Marathon thread an update on my training, which probably should have gone here.


Tried a mini Dopey simulation, with a 10k yesterday and a 17-miler today. I bonked today around 10 miles, so maybe I should have done a short run yesterday to try and make it through the full 17 today. I still finished 14.4, but lots of walking the last 3-4 miles. To be fair I’ve had a nasty cold and I was debating all night in my head whether I should still try the long run. I decided to just go for it. At least I got to try out my new GKTW jersey on a long run.


On the bright side I sweated out 11 pounds in the last 36 hours. Maybe I’ll keep some of that off. my goal is to lose another 10 after that by January. So 20 total.

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I got my 10 miles in today, but it wasn’t great. I had missed my long run 2 weeks in a row. I had a horrible sinus infection 2 weeks ago, it was the most sick I had been since 2019! Then last weekend we were on the Disney Dream. I had to walk the last 2 miles. One more long run next weekend & then a short run before W&D. Just really hoping for cooler temps for the race.


Your confidence for the upcoming half marathon is well-earned, and I say, why not consider that full marathon in 2023? It’s a big goal, but it sounds like you’re up for the challenge.
I remember when I decided to take on a full marathon for the first time. It was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, but the journey and the sense of achievement were absolutely worth it. Disney or your hometown, either way, it’s bound to be an incredible experience.
If you ever want more workout tips or nutrition advice along the way, don’t forget to check out They’ve got some great resources that could come in handy for your training.

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