Marathon Weekend 1/5 - 1/8/2023: The Main Thread

I take offense!

Last winter…


Ha! That will be first on my list of reasons to avoid moving to Texas. If I’m going to get winter, my summers aren’t going to be 110F and muggy.


Just saying hello! I haven’t been checking in on the forums recently. So glad to see everyone here! I will be gearing up to train for the marathon soon. I just ran Beach to Beacon 10K here in Maine on a hot morning. A little slower than I have in the past but very fun and scenic!

Putting in my vote, Aftershocks are my favorite running headphones.

So glad you are in for marathon weekend @NoBellePrizeWinner!

It would be great to have our weekly checkins like we did last year, once we get a little further along. They kept me accountable!


Hey good to see you! I know a bunch of people who did Beach to Beacon - it’s a gorgeous race! But it was HELLA hot!

Calling your attention to a New England Liner Meet, the planning for which (Sept 2023) is in progress. Please see La Cava for details. Hope you’ll join us!

We only get winter once every few years—summer comes in hot every year though!

Hi, again! My parents are visiting us this week, and we have been discussing our upcoming trip for my 1/2 marathon run. I have come up with a few other questions…of course! (probably involving more exclamation points!!!)

  • As spectators (my parents, husband, and 2 daughters), is it true that the best places to see me running would be the start (EP parking lot), the TTC (where exactly do they stand when we run through there??), and the finish (EP parking lot)? Do I understand that correctly? And if they wanted to take an Uber/Lyft to the TTC, that might be tricky due to race road closures? How should they get to the TTC if they don’t happen to get up early to watch the start of the race? (We will be at the Swan.)

  • I think my husband would join me for the Expo, but would my parents and daughters join me for that too? Or should they just go off and have more park time? (I bet they just want more park time!)

  • Is there some sort of post-race celebration or do we just get our medals and go on with our day? Wanting to understand what kind of park day we will want to do later!

  • Does anyone have suggestions for fun family t-shirts for while I’m racing? They want to come up with a fun theme shirt to support me…they would love a suggestion or two!

Thanks for helping this newbie! My family is excited to be a part of the fun with me!

They can take the monorail from Epcot to TTC, but they would have to get up pretty early & take a race bus to Epcot.

The expo isn’t that exciting, so I would say they could skip.

After the race there is music & a stand where you can buy beer/wine, but I usually just have a glass or 2 of champagne & then head back to the resort to get ready for the day.

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They’re here, they’re here!! Medal reveal Monday!



So, its not just me then? I posted the link and then looked at them…and well

I find them garish and am so happy this is not my year

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Not a fan of the Miami Vice era? That is how these look to me…Neon colors and triangles/ squiggles/spirals.

The 5k medal looks like it has a slider. It looks like Pluto moves back and forth.

I do like how the Goofy medal has all the races in the background behind the orange. I wonder if it spins so that you can see the detail in the background.

It looks like the Dopey medal is on a spring like last year.

My biggest concern is the amount of paint that appears on the medals. Last year there was a problem with the paint chipping. I would be worried all the paint would fall off before I get home.

I am OK with the style. I showed my DD and she was excited to see the 10k medal she will be striving for. (Even though she has no clue about the Miami vice era/style).


I love the 90s idea for the races…I think I wanted them to go harder with the theming? I’m not exactly sure where to place my disappointment - but my first glance gave me a very meh feeling.
I’m pretty sure the acorn spins on the 10K medal (that’s my medal too, so I zoomed in and studied it the most).

The 10K medal also gives off full Saved by the Bell Intro vibes - which I appreciate - but your DD may not get that reference either :joy:

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Hi everyone!
Did a 10 mile race the end of July in the evening…it was a nice night thank goodness but my body does better on morning runs!! Glad it’s over. I felt good which makes me think the half marathon will be okay! Happy training to all!


Good Morning fellow runners!

Here is a quick update…

Had my first Half Marathon since January’s Marathon weekend on Sunday. We did the Canmore Rocky Mountain Races.

DD did the 5k. She did well. She is getting faster the more races she enters. She was proud enough of her results that she immediately printed out the runDisney Galloway plan for the 10k when we got home. She is super motivated to do well on the 10k in January! The plan starts this week for her.

DS and I did the Half Marathon. Felt good to get up to the long distances again.

We pretty much had it in our minds that this was going to be JUST a training run. We started out at a controlled pace (pretty hard to for us not to go out at a high speed). As the race progressed and we warmed up, we ended up getting faster and faster. Near mile 11 I noticed everyone around us had gotten fairly quite. I commented that the race has now shifted to a mental one. With about 1 mile to go I kicked it into another gear. My goal was to motivate my DS to push himself and finish strong. We ended up getting my DS a new Half PR! He was super excited about that.

This race was perfectly timed to give us a motivational boost for the next 16 weeks of training.

This morning I went into the race registration and added our proof-of-times to the registration. We just made it under the cut-off. Hopefully we will get a good corral placement.

… we have 113 days until the 5k!


Hey everybody! I’m so delighted to hear about all of you running!

I am not a runner, but I’ll be at WDW this week. I’m wondering if you could give me some tips regarding the timing of the events? I’d like to take one day to cheer all of you on… but I’ll also be at the parks, and am concerned about road closures and such (I’ll be driving some of the time). I found the maps of the race routes, but I don’t know how long runs take, when I should expect roads to be closed and how I might plan accordingly for all of this. Any info welcome! Thanks!

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Quick question for those of you registered for Marathon weekend events. Is there no option to pre-purchase merch this year? I finally got into the system just now and the pre-purchase options are not available at all. I’ll be super bummed if I can’t get my commemorative pins this year…

I thought there was an intent to heavily promote prepurchase??

Sucks if they didn’t come through with that.

Zero pre- purchase merch for the marathon. They did it for the Springtime Surprise though. :roll_eyes::rage: