What is the best way to appy tattoos to your Magic Bands to keep them stuck on?
I’ve seen posts that some use clear or glitter nail polish to give the tattoo something to stick to. Then once they are on, apply a clear coat of polish to seal it all on.
Would love to see a picture of your finished product!
I am planning to just do a coat of glitter nail polish. Has looked great when other liners have posted photos of theirs! Seems to hold up, too!
do you coat they apply and recoat or apply directly to MB ??
I just finished mine tonight and hope I did it correctly. I applied a base coat, then white nail polish where the tattoo would go, then the tattoo, and finally another layer of base coat.
That’s how I’ve always seen it described as being done so it sounds like you’re good. Did it turn out nicely @Dismoo?
Yes, please post a photo because our MB are on their way and I want the kids to decorate them…but we only get one shot so I want to get it right. Thanks!
do you have to do a base and a color before you apply or was the white just for looks ?
I’m working on some new ones now. Will post some pics when I get them done. I did take out the ones I made for my May trip and after being “stored” for some time, the top coat of nail polish does have some cracks I probably should have stored them “closed”
My method: Apply a pretty thick coat of clear base coat nail polish (I used a Sally Hansen product because it’s what I had). Let dry. Cut tattoos, apply according to directions - I blot the back of the paper with a slightly damp sponge or wash cloth. Let set and then apply glitter polish as desired. After that dries, I add another coat of clear polish. I think most of you have probably seen my photos, but here they are again.
I’m happy with them. DD’s painted their pink bands purple, which makes them a bit too dark for the tattoos. Those look great @Sorcerers_Apprentice!
Those are great @Dismoo!
Oh, I like painting the black strip. That looks super cool @Dismoo.
Thanks for posting pictures, @Sorcerers_Apprentice and @Dismoo!! Love all the bands. My DD19 really wants to decorate hers, so I can’t wait to show her some examples.
Those are gorgeous @Sorcerers_Apprentice! Where do you get the tattoos? Do some colors work better than others?
I bought most of the tattoos at Party City and a local party supply store. And yes, the yellow and pink bands shoe the tattoos better. I’m going to try an orange one tonight. I’m working on a green one and it’s harder to see the tattoos.
Oh I’ll be interested in seeing the orange one since that’s the color I picked.
Green magic band in process. The tattoos photograph brighter than they actually are. Will post final product when it is done.
@Sorcerers_Apprentice, the green one is awesome!!