Your hidden gems at WDW

Oh, right. Looking at the sunset times, Orlando is almost 45 earlier than it is where we live, since we’re further west in the time zone.

Hopefully, then, we can manage seeing some of the lights. :slight_smile:


We always go in August, it gets dark early there.

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I think there’s also an impact to being farther south where the sun sets earlier in the summer.

When I was in Louisiana the sun set earlier than where I live now when though it is quite a bit farther west.


I love the small details

Various pathways- adventureland and the gems, storybrook circus hoofprints, wagon tracks, peanuts, seashells in little mermaid, by tangled bathrooms hoofprints leading to apples for maximus.

Hidden pascals by tangled bathrooms

Blue fairy in picchnico village haus,

The music lessons off main atreet. The old party line in the hat shop

The nautilus in the little mermaid line from 20000 leagues, the squid weather vane above dvc outside of little mermaid

In winne the pooh the picture of tpad giving owl the deed

The pet cemetary outside haunted house


We were there on a very sunny afternoon. They were sitting on top of the houses so it looked more like “lizard village” than a model train set! My DD was doing dialouge for them as the males flashed the red flag things on their throat to attract the ladies :slight_smile:


If you’re not talking about the lizards, I have some questions

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I think they are actually anoles :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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The 2nd Floor seating at CHH, (OMG, it is the best way to break from the crowds at MK); I love sitting in the chairs at the 2nd floor of the train station at MK in the mid-afternoon and soaking in the atmosphere, (hearing the US Flag flapping does something for me too!); I also enjoy sitting outside of Sascagoula Float Works, drinking coffee first thing in the AM. Great spot! I love having a beer at the hut outside the Sa’atuli Canteen. So many great spot at Disney World!


Great one! That needs to stay a secret

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Yes, the further you are from the equator, the longer the days in summer, so Orlando has a shorter day and an earlier sunset than those further north. The east/west thing contributes also, but the north/south thing is definitely more pronounced as the latitude difference increases.

8/15/2020 Length of Day
Orlando 13:08
Detroit 13:52
London 14:35


It was a huge shock coming from the UK the first time that it got dark so early. It’s still light at 10pm at night here in summer.


I dropped my lobster roll on the floor there. It is a house of pain.


Huh. I never even realised. I’m a lot dumber than I thought.

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PVH also has second floor seating. Is the second floor at CHH better?

Okay. I’ll point everyone to Nomad Lounge instead.

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Quite a bit more room. I only ever went up the second floor of PVH once. It seemed cramped. The CHH is huge and has a forgotten bathroom. Is there a bathroom on PVH second floor.

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Actually, I have no idea! :slight_smile:

You’re right that there isn’t a lot of room on the second floor of PVH, but when the main floor was crowded, we could find seating on the second floor without a problem.

I think I may have been to the second floor of CHH before, but it was so long ago, I barely remember what it is like!


I didn’t make it into the CHH this last trip.

In 2011 the soap dispensers still had powdered soap and looked like a 1960’s school bathroom. By 2016 it had been remodeled. No more powdered soap.

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Is that a French joke?


I never knew that. I just sucked it up and sat outside in September. Of course it was mostly because my son said it was too cold inside. I think he was trying to kill me.

You can get a view of IASW in fact.

See here:

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