What should we do with the Genie+/ILL Drop thread?

So this is what I see when I open up the forum.

And then if I change to La Cava, I get this:

I just can’t see anywhere to sort threads into categories. I can toggle between categories using the drop box. But I didn’t know you could sort the threads. Is that what you meant?,

It looks like this on my phone, iPad, and any computer I use when.

When I first log into the forum, www.forum.touringplans.com I’m on the general screen which looks like this:

From here I click “Latest” and it sorts all threads by most recently responded regardless of the subforum it’s in:

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Mine is set up showing Latest when I log in.

If I click on “Latest” the field changes from brown to grey but that’s all that changes. I checked line by line and the threads are all in the same order.

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That’s weird. I don’t know how to fix that.

ETA what do you see if you click on the TP logo?

On my phone I have a drop down instead of it being across the top.

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You have the “category” set to WDW. Change it to “All categories.”

ETA: Then it will open up displaying like my laptop does. But I don’t know how to save that setting.

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So if I click the TP logo I get back to this, which I think is what you all see.

But I prefer it like I have. That way I can see Joe threads and on the one page I can see clearly any new ones since I last visited. If I have all the sections up I can’t see all that. And most of the time I only want WDW or DVC. Rarely go anywhere else.

Only I thought you were all saying thee’s a way to sort the threads, within the WDW category.


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I am shocked how many don’t have their settings as “all”, you are missing so many threads! Also, blown away by unread counts of 1804 (what the heck @missoverexcited), 533, 556. Does no one else have to open every single thread so that those numbers always read zero by the time you log off? I don’t read them all (beyond the title), but I do open every single one in every category to make the little blue numbers go away. This is madness that anyone can stand to look at all those little blue numbers! :rofl:


Now that you are on this page (with “all categories” chosen) click on “Latest” next to the dark red “Categories” box.

This will give you a list of all the different threads but across all the categories instead of just WDW.

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You can view a tagged section of any category by clicking on the section name, such as “Dining,” located under each name. But I think it only displays the one section, not all sections sorted.



I am pretty sure there are only 2 or 3 threads I have ever missed! I’m not searching them out now.


Oh thank God! I am not the only insane one. :rofl:


But it says you have 1804 unread threads. You must go catch up on them all, then come back and give me a summary of all 1804. :rofl:



I have trouble with those numbers. Sometimes a thread I’m posting in suddenly won’t show me new posts, and sometimes the blue number won’t go away no matter how many times I read it.

Also I just clicked on it and it’s a bunch of threads with just one or two unread posts. Not entirely unread threads!



It’s a setting in your user profile

What is?