WDW now promoting "Holiday Magic Is Here" starting November 6th, instead of MVMCP & Candlelight Processional

This picture breaks my heart. People can be misguided. We are not perfect. The image in worlds is appalling but I see we are becoming enlightened more and more each day. Society is evolving. Does it mean everything we believe is bad, no, i think it means we were put here to evolve. Those without sin…

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Yikes! we need some honesty and historical truths here. The American fundamentalist Christian community has long aligned themselves with R-party and have not denounced F-Trump (I can’t say the name without the F-word in front of the name) nor took a stance to step away from the orange man. some of your are old enough to remember ‘the silent majority’. There are some christian groups that denounce what is going on.

And the Puritans came to the Americas for Freedom, yes but were intolerant of anything other than their own dogma. And the greatest myth of all, our founding fathers…

"If we define a Christian as a person who believes in the divinity of Jesus Christ, then it is safe to say that some of the key Founding Fathers were not Christians at all. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Tom Paine were deists–that is, they believed in one Supreme Being but rejected revelation and all the supernatural elements of the Christian Church; the word of the Creator, they believed, could best be read in Nature. John Adams was a professed liberal Unitarian, but he, too, in his private correspondence seems more deist than Christian.

George Washington and James Madison also leaned toward deism, although neither took much interest in religious matters. Madison believed that “religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprize.” He spoke of the “almost fifteen centuries” during which Christianity had been on trial: “What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry, and persecution.” If Washington mentioned the Almighty in a public address, as he occasionally did, he was careful to refer to Him not as “God” but with some nondenominational moniker like “Great Author” or “Almighty Being.” It is interesting to note that the Father of our Country spoke no words of a religious nature on his deathbed, although fully aware that he was dying, and did not ask for a man of God to be present; his last act was to take his own pulse, the consummate gesture of a creature of the age of scientific rationalism." (Our Godless Constitution,The faith of our Founding Fathers definitely wasn’t Christianity. By Brooke Allen FEBRUARY 3, 2005}


Precisely. If I know the position of the performer is in direct conflict with what they are performing, it makes it hard for me to engage.

I fear you are projecting.


I don’t. I watch and enjoy her movies. I even own a few.

I just don’t want her to be the narrator when I watch a Christmas cantatas that is about the birth of Christ.


I think this is where the idea of anger, judgement came from, and then you go further… it does sound judgie.

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I am confused. She publicly mocks Christians on the show. That isn’t me being judgie. It is what it is. As a result, I just have trouble wanting to watch her tell the story (or one of the stories) upon which those she mocks base their beliefs.

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Fair enough, I agree you would find her performance difficult to watch knowing what you know about her. I get that. But when you said you won’t watch a show any more cuz of her beliefs you are expressing a strong stance, you’ve made a judgement and a pronouncement. I won’t go to church anymore due to the hypocrisy of the actions of its members and that’s judgmental and I’m ok with that. I’m entitled to judge as much as anyone, but I want to be honest about my biases as much as I am able. I rarely express them, I don’t point out to others when I think they are being hypocrites b/c I do consider the angry villagers with their pitchforks. Like @sanstitre_has_left_the_building I too hold my ‘christian’ friends to a higher standard b/c they have a tendency to laud their religion over everyone. Fundamentalist christians seek to create laws that require all to act as if they are a christian, much like the puritans or the taliban. They have become political, they have made themselves political, they embrace it so it’s an easy connection. Boy I’m all over the place tonight… meh it’s me.


Ah. I should clarify. I included that line to point out this isn’t hearsay, but that it is from watching it firsthand back from when I used to watch it. I wasn’t intending to make a statement as to why we no longer watch it, which is far more than a single reason like that. In my brevity, it must have lost that. I meanly meant it like this: Although I no longer watch it, I used to and so am speaking from first hand experience.


Clarification helps. Thank you!

I guess I’m the only judgmental one here :wink: It’s human nature to judge. If we’re honest we all do. Trying to be honest and I know it will offend some, but I’m still here. I have many friends on both sides of everything. Well, I do have some exceptions. I will work with those exceptions when forced to but I will not be friends with them. My exceptions are the most heinous of human traits/beliefs ie. racist, neo-natzi, white supremacist. I’ve had to work with the granddaughter of a grand dragon of the klan, boy that was tough b/c I really liked her but then I found out what she stood for :anguished: When we lived in klan land it was rough… they called themselves christian. That granddaughter told me the klan was a christian organization. You can see where some of my bias come from now.

I dont think its his anger perse, just his “not feeling it” attitude. He doesnt want to hear her narrorate some thing she doesnt believe in. I think @ryan1 has no anger or hate toward her. Its kinda (and im stretching) like about a rabbi telling you about the gospel of Jesus. It just seems fake. And Im ok amd with him on that point.


This is life. It is what it is. We can live harmoniously or we can tear at the seams at everyone’s belief, feelings, truths (which is just stupid).

I disagree. Shes a celebrity, not a scholar in the very personal topic shes talking about. He pedestal is based on her acting career. If she also had extensive credentials in theology, I would be consider her stance on religion more from an academic level (talk shows are a form of media and she isnt a theological scholar). But she chose to state her opinion. She got the audience because of her popularity in film. So, people will feel a certain way about her outspoken disdain for her a portion of her audience. I dont watch the view. Never have. I do like her as an actress. I think she is very talented.

I think excepting wrong headed vile beliefs would be taking it too far. I’m not gonna give the klan And their beliefs a pass.

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This is me.

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Unfortunately, society judges your one stance on a particular topic, just based on your feeling, and puts u in a box. It judges you and puts u in a all or none category. I could elaborate but this isnt a topic for here. I get what u are saying.

On a humorous note… I would listen to my Rabbi b/c they are scholars :wink:

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Look, I can’t stand Whoopie Goldberg. At all. OK, not completely true…I watch her as Guinan on Star Trek: The Next Generation and I’ll be watching her portrayal of Mother Abigail in The Stand.

Jesus was angry with the religious people of the day who were doing things that didn’t fall under “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love others as yourself.”

Time and time again, he reached out to people who were definitely not living that truth and made a difference in their lives.

I’m not going to decide which one of those two Whoopi Goldberg falls into because it’s not my business. My business is to “owe no man anything but love.” I don’t have to like her to love her.

God uses the foolish things of the world to do what He needs to do. That includes all the people who stand up there at the Candlelight Processional and preach the Good News who don’t believe a word of what they’re saying.

It’s worth the experience for me.


I guess I have a bit of this in my own life and that’s perhaps why I see it differently. My son’s fiancee publicly mocks everything I stand for and believe in. Revels in mocking. Loathes me because of it. And has done everything in her power to change his opinions, ideals, and belief system.

But for some weird reason, her and her family go overboard to celebrate Christmas and Easter and we join them when possible. And she was one of the people who was with us when we saw CP. And she loved it. And I’m going to appreciate the opportunity it presented.

Your position is quite valid, as well. It’s your truth and I didn’t mean to suggest anything differently when suggesting seeing whatever narrator is available and I’m sorry it caused a firestorm, Ryan.


Ha. Just noticed this little typo this morning. That was supposed to read merely, not meanly! :roll_eyes:


Er, hello?

She is an EGOT winner. Albeit only daytime E.

My background to this discussion?

51 years of this:

51 years of it.