Universal Orlando News & Planning Thread

No. You’ll be good.

Thanks @Jeff_AZ for assisting!


Super :+1:t4:

You must be so excited :partying_face:

Tuck your lanyard in securely on VC.
I mostly rode with DH who kept tickets in a zipped pocket, but I went solo a couple of times and genuinely thought the lanyard was a goner :grimacing:


Just to clarify, no items in your pockets and mandatory lockers for all items on Hulk, Veloci, and HRRR. Free lockers are offered for bags and items at the other rides but you don’t need to pass through metal detection.


I always randomly remember this sign from It’s a Wonderful Life. :sweat_smile:



How does one do mobile food order at places like Three Broomsticks? I dont see how in the app.

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You can’t test mobile order. You have to be within the Geofence of the park for the app to recognize you are eligible to mobile order.

When you are in the park each eatery in the park will have a mobile order option in the park


I’ve never been able to mobile order for Three Broomsticks.

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Good to know it’s only onsite.
I assume it’s in the section for the specific restaurant (like TB).
What other restaurants even do it?

Yep! When you select a place, if it offers MO you’ll see a link.

Here’s a great article by Orlando Informer that will guide you through it w/ all the locations. This article is from April 2024 so it should be current

Quite a lot! MO is great! Some eateries prefer you use the app to order your food at the table as well…

Minion’s Café, Thunder Falls Terrace, Circus McGurkus are a few. I’m sure there are more

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On the homepage when you’re onsite, the “Dining” option will automatically convert to “Order Food & Drinks” like so:

Also, to view how it looks and operates on your phone without being onsite, If you Google “Universal Orlando Mobile Order” and click the first link it will open the mobile ordering feature on the app:


Volcano Bay was good to know. Among the others. Much appreciated!


Totally!! You should always mobile order at VB!! NO ONE does it and at times there are long lines to order AND a long line to pay!!


Learning so many things, every day!!!

Get ready to see all your favorite Vloggers in one place!! :rofl: :rofl:

Tribute Store has previews for the next couple days. (TMs then APs)

Then the Summer Tribute Store will open at Universal Studios Florida on May 24. The store is themed to a 1980s shopping mall and will feature merchandise inspired by movies like Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, E.T. and more.


The downside of that is having to schlep back to the locker to get your phone first. Whereas paying using the Tapu is super convenient.
We tend to eat early to avoid the lunch crowd.


True! I tend to stop by Dancing Dragons at the same time & they’re gonna need my ID! :rofl: :innocent:

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Can anyone help me find the booking page for the private ticket at the city walk Great Movie escape rooms?

I know I’ve asked this before and I know I’ve found this information myself in the past, but I swear it’s all disappeared :laughing:

All I can access (in the app) is the ability to book up to six individual tickets. I cannot find any option to book or even find out the price for the private group ticket.

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It’s there, you just need to scroll down more.


I wonder if APs get a discount?

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We didn’t. We paid the full $300. I had to call to book it.