Universal Orlando News & Planning Thread


@darkmite2 , or anyone else who knowsā€¦
How do you book the City Walk Escape Room?
Do you have to call?
Iā€™m struggling to find an online booking option.


Have you tried the app?

Buy :arrow_right: Extras :arrow_right: Escape Adventure

Looks like you can only book through June. You probably want July?


Thatā€™s exactly what I wanted to check anyway, so thank you :+1:t4::laughing:

I was only looking at the website. I didnā€™t think of the app. Will try and navigate there now.

Thanks again @bebe80 :yellow_heart:


When we did it last May, I called to book. But I was booking for a group of 8 of us.

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Just a reminder for May & Juneā€¦

And while Iā€™m at it, here are some more:

NEW Temporary Closures

  • Fast & Furious - Supercharged: Aug. 19 - Nov. 3, 2024
  • MEN IN BLACKā„¢ Alien Attackā„¢: Nov. 4, - Dec. 10, 2024
  • Dudley Do-Rightā€™s Ripsaw FallsĀ®: Oct. 1, 2024 - Jan. 2, 2025

Just added:

  • Pteranodon Flyers: No reopening date currently set

Alicia Stella has shared a potential timeline (rumored) for upcoming Universal news releases.

April 29

  • DreamWorks Land grand opening date
  • New parade official details (Universal Mega Movie Parade)
  • New lagoon show official details (Cinesational: A Symphonic Spectacular)
  • New Nighttime Lights at Hogwarts Castle show details??

May 2

  • Super Nintendo World EU Reveal

Late June

  • Dark Universe EU Reveal

Late July

  • Wizarding World EU Reveal

Unknown Dates

  • Helios Grand Hotel details and reservations open
  • Epic Universe Preview Center opening date (Previously planned for June, but now looks like July)

Is this information freely available or was it pulled from her Patreon?

It was on Patreon. I only shared because she didnā€™t specifically say not to share yetā€¦(which she usually does). :slightly_smiling_face:

@darkmite2 I was trying to find your review from Mama Della last year when you had a bad experience and then they made up for it.
If itā€™s easy, can you link it??

Also what is it you like about that restaurant and is there any comparison to be made between it and either Vivo or Bice??

@Shmebulock my brother and I looooooove bice. Both times we have been the food and service has been excellent. It is expensive though.

Our trip in May we are doing mama dellaā€™s instead since we have a trip to Rome this fall. Figured we would save the money from a bice dinner for a meal abroad :wink:

Iā€™ll try to remember to let you know my comparison when I get back!


Cool, thanks :+1:t4:

Iā€™ll look it up!

If I remember I was having a bad evening overall. There wasnā€™t anything wrong with the food. They sat me in a corner at a tiny table that bumped up to the waiter prep station because I was solo. Then my server rushed out the food. I was out the door in like 30 minutesā€¦

Ask for Yosief (yo-self)

He is the nicest man ever!


Was there something on the menu that you were looking forward to that they didnā€™t have?? :thinking:

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Thatā€™s right!! They have an appetizer that is TRULY my favorite dish in the world. Itā€™s what I want as my last meal & for eternity. Itā€™s a mussel with pesto & pancetta

PAN-STEAMED MUSSELS - Garlic, pancetta, pesto green sauce, chopped parsley, garlic crostini. $18.00

Itā€™s so big too! It could be a meal.


That night they didnā€™t have any mussels. Their delivery was delayed. I had mentioned at the host counter and to my sever how excited I was to be back & that was THE item I was looking forward to eating. They were very nice about it!

I canā€™t recommend Mama Dellaā€™s enough! They reached out to me the next day & gave me a 100% free meal - anything & everything I wanted. (They had said $100, but my cost was $150. They didnā€™t care and gave it all to me. I left a $60 tip in cash)

On my last visit they had a ā€œSpecialā€ for the night that Iā€™m going to request going forward. It was a spicy red sauce with 4 lobster tails, 4 prawns and more mussels for only $40. It was amazing and I expected a big price tag - but this was a bargain!


Iā€™m still looking for that old TR! I have a few to dig through!! :innocent:

I had a bad time getting over to the restaurant. Then my favorite dish was unavailable. Followed by sitting me in a terrible spot that should not be used to seat anyone. Finally, my server was very ā€œprofessionalā€ and had me out the door with my bill paid in around 30 minutes when I wanted a leisure experience

They totally made up for it with multiple apologies and the great meal later.

Feel free to DM me so we donā€™t clog up the thread any more with Mama Della talk! :smiley:


Actual Planning News!!

I was checking hotel rates for my early September trip. The ā€œAP Ratesā€ have finally dropped. I saw Dockside for $80 and I got a Skyline View room at Aventura for $127!

I, previously, had a standard room at Aventura for $130ā€¦

Iā€™m seeing CBBR at $115 - $120 for a lot of September dates!

Iā€™m looking at other dates - just for fun - to see if other weeks of HHN hotel rates are as good.

EDIT - The best rates I could find were the first three weeks of September. After that it goes back up to a rack rate


Thank you.
Thatā€™s great info.

Weā€™re not sure where to go for a pasta based dinner between Bice, MDs or Vivo.

Vivo is more up my street, but DH likes the look of MDs.

Kids donā€™t care :roll_eyes::laughing:

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Posting here for those that didnā€™t hear yet.

Rip Ride Rockit is expected to close permanently sometime next year to make way for a new and improved coaster. Others had mentioned the rumor, and Alicia confirmed in her latest video.


Hadnā€™t heard that. Thanks for posting. Last I heard, it was going to be refurbished. But makes sense to be replaced.