Tropical Storm Elsa forms could affect Orlando next Tuesday (Now a Hurricane)

Tornados are beautiful, and terrifying in their power and beauty.

Best admired from a distance.



I really enjoyed the movie Tornado w/ Helen Hunt


Crappy movie, incredible photography

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well yes… the storm scenes were well done I thought. I can’t sit still for storm chasers, too realistic :laughing:


We usually watch the movie every year or two around tornado season.


oh thank you… I knew the title felt off :upside_down_face:

I love disaster movies, and I think Twister is among the best. A rare gem among a generally campy genre.


I love storms and could totally be a storm chaser.
I lived in the FL Keys as a teenager with my dad. He was ex Navy and operated a 50+ ft charter fishing boat that we lived on. He used to put out to sea for hurricanes because he said it was safer than trying to get up Route 1 on the evacuation Route. I rode out Hurricane Floyd (1988) at sea. We were at sea for Gilbert the following year, but it missed Florida and turned west. Dad was at sea for Andrew off the Dry Tortugas.


I love disaster/armageddon movies.

I would have put Poseidon Adventure first, myself.


I’ve heard the freight train coming and it’s an erie feeling

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Definitely! The 1972 version was fantastic. I did not like the remake in 2006.

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I always forget that Floyd got reused as a name. I was in Raleigh, NC for the 1999 iteration which did so much damage.

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Yes, after the 1999 Floyd, the name got retired. They reuse names unless a storm cause so much death and destruction that it would be disrespectful.

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Right. That I knew. I just forgot that there had been a milder Floyd before.

Le sigh


I know how much you’ve been enjoying all the rain on your trip too… :laughing:

I’m not even sure I could admire them from afar. I’ve been in the middle of too many storms where we didn’t get hit, thankfully. My daughter and her roommate had a very close call last year. These were right outside their window. Some of the buildings were in much worse shape.


On the bright side, it looks like it’s staying a tropical storm (:crossed_fingers:t3:), and cyclones tend to clear away moisture in front of and behind them, so you will probably have drier days before and after, and some heavy rain that will hopefully thin out crowds day of…

(is this helping?)


Funny sort of related story. Kansas City was discussing a downtown monument years back (think St Louis Arch size) and proposed a giant metal tornado.

How terrifying do you think it would have been to someone from out of town driving through on a stormy day and seeing that? Thankfully the idea did not garner much traction.