Tropical Storm Elsa forms could affect Orlando next Tuesday (Now a Hurricane)

ok… read more in the paper and I think I should stay home and not drive over to WDW on Tuesday as planned :unamused:

McCann said most of the tracking models have it heading over the western side of Florida, but that doesn’t mean Orlando is out of danger.

“That would put Central Florida on the right side of the storm which tends to be where you get the heaviest rain, the strongest winds, isolated tornadoes and generally the greater impact.”


I’ve never experienced a tornado.



NOT cool, especially in FL where there are NO basements. But I’m sure WDW has accounted for this :thinking:


Having to go to Florida for a tornado is just wrong. That should be your Great Plains vacation weekend

And, we had a tornado in the nation’s capital this week. Started in Virginia, smacked through downtown DC


opps @OBNurseNH missed the sarcasm :rofl::joy::rofl:


no hearts for that!

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The dogs were unhappy – “You Humans are supposed to protect us from other-than-rabbit-threats! We’ve got the rabbits, and squirrels. WTF!”


:grimacing: = sarcasm


As a Kansas resident, the proper procedure is to grab a Coors Light and stand out in your driveway chatting with your neighbors about the weather.


Does it have to be crappy beer though?


To get the full effect, yeah. I’m more an Old Style fan myself


So, the first time I moved to FL from MN as an adult I noticed a bunch of ppl standing around looking up. I was driving by the FD and the firefighters were out looking up too so I pulled over and got out of my car… and then I saw the funnel starting :anguished: I got back in my car, drove home and got all the kids and I in the tub. I’ve been caught in a tornado once, NOT fun! I’ve also spent a summer living/sleeping in my MN basement family room sofa pullout w/ 3 kids b/c the warnings went off every night for weeks.


basements. Concrete, sub-surface basements. Florida needs to start adapting.

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I thought they couldn’t do basements due to the water level


oh boy yes!

They can’t do basements b/c of the high water tables


I have gotten to see 2. First I was a kid in the pre-everyone has a cell phone days. Second one was, I want to say, around 5-6 years ago? I got a pretty decent pic though. They are pretty spectacular in person if you’re not in the danger zone. (That said, one nearly tore through a bunch of KCK a couple years ago and that one was scary)

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I know. But bathtub is a poor substitute.

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I was in my car on a hwy in 4 feet of water when the tornado passed over me. I was scared shitless! You can’t see anything in the dark.

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in FL… interior room w/ no windows is the rule. We had friends on Homestead AFB during Andrew and they were in the tub w/ 2 kids and a mattress over them. That base shut down after that and the AF changed their policies on weather evacuations for AD mbrs.

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