Thought M18


I just took the test. I didn’t try to fiddle the results.

This question had me laughing out loud:

And here’s the final result:


My DH is an INFJ, so I get it. All those feelings sometimes I’m like :grimacing: Great personality type though :wink:

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Yup. I’m apparently an oddball in the INTJ world in that I’m a person of faith, but that only came after I had obsessed over the topic for years and came to a conclusion. Everything else is pretty much spot on. Yet another thing to obsess over :rofl:


I will throw one additional thought here. As a result of @profmatt and his many posts, not only do I feel like I kind of know a few things about him. . . but I think his posts have allowed me to “get to know” many of the OTHER folks in this forum as well. People just seem to gravitate around @profmatt’s posts and talk about their own experiences. And several of his posts have veered far off the original topic to become wholly interesting side conversations as well.

So, cheers everyone. I have only been participating on this forum for about a year, but I agree that it is a friendly place full of people sharing a common madness and a willingness to be helpful.


This is another good online version of the Myers-Briggs test. Personality Test Based on Jung and Briggs-Myers

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Agreed! I honestly usually come back to check what the latest is from @profmatt because it’s so delightful and entertaining. (And it’s helping me plan a better trip myself! I’m doing a dessert party based on his info!)

And Prof, maybe you’re different in real life, but your personality is nothing but charming here. So as far as we’re concerned, you do have a good personality.


I also don’t post often as I recently completed my trip in April. This of course leads to planning the next one which at this point looks like June 2019. Your posts have helped me in a way to fine tune my own plans looking back. I’m remembering now in the weeks leading up to my trip how I’d check my FPP times daily (really semi-daily) to see if they could be improved. I will admit I got very excited when I was able to change Jungle cruise from 11:15 to 11:10, many would see this as a meaningless 5 minutes but to me it meant getting lunch a bit earlier to then have enough time to make the Easter parade which we really wanted to see as it’s only once or twice a year. So in some small way your fine tuning of plans may have inspired me to do the same which helped our trip be great! Cheers!


Just throwing my hat in the ring to say that I think many of us tango around various plans on The Road to The Disney. I never saw any of your posts as a sign of anything negative and have always enjoyed your outlook and detail!

(Of course, I create crazy detailed spreadsheets with singular goals, so whadda I know?)

Your threads have been many of the most fun ones here - keep doing what you’re doing, as long as you are enjoying yourself, of course.

By the way, I’m INTJ too from a test I took long ago.



The sound of it is something quite atrocious!

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I got ISFJ. I’m always an I but the rest tend to fluctuate depending on the test and how I feel that day.

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I know I’ve teasingly tagged you about your chinos dilemma and I want to apologize if I made you feel less than in any way. First, I think you are brilliant! I love watching all your plans change and by no means does that make you an idiot. I don’t post my changes as I run them by my DH and children, to their dismay, and torture them with my relentless changing of plans. By about the 3 month mark (if he makes it that far) my DH just tells me to save it until the day before we go because I’ve changed so many times he doesn’t know what the heck we’re doing.

Your spreadsheets and questions just make me feel normal. Your humor makes me feel part of a friendly clique that understands my obsession planning WDW intricacies. No one in my real life gets that. This is my escape and my current obsession. I too struggle with depression and triggers from past trauma but I’m more secretive about all that. Your ability to talk about it here just makes me feel more accepted and normal. So thank you and please keep on posting!!


Last year I went to WDW with a friend. One of the things we fell out about was my planning. Every time I made a decision I’d excitedly send her a message and it was clearly she wasn’t all that interested. “I’ve booked us dinner at CG!” “Yeah. Great. TTYL.”

I’m going on my own this year :wink:


I can never remember my “letters” so I have to take it over and over again. But yes, indeed, I am an ISTJ

“Responsible, punctual, and thorough, you are temperamentally well-suited for long-term planning and execution. You like to familiarize yourself with the facts and think things through, and you tend to shake your head at people who neglect the importance of committing properly to a goal. Once committed, you tend to find it easy to muster the discipline and patience required to stay the course, even in the face of distractions that would make others change directions or abandon the endeavor. You tend to come across as serious and you are generally not one to wear your heart on your sleeve. But as those closest to you have probably seen, you also have a sentimental streak and a wry sense of humor underneath the stern facade. Because you are so diligent in approaching your projects, you may at times be caught off guard by sudden changes which arise in a flash and which are hard to guard against. Steady and purposeful, and endowed with a good deal of common sense, you exhibit an enviable thoroughness and attention to detail that makes you well-suited to taking on long-term commitments and leading them to triumph by way of the sure and steady approach.”


First off, like I told my daughters when we went - it’s your trip. Do what you want to do. Don’t worry about anybody else. Noone thinks anything bad, and if they do they aren’t important anyway. If you wanted to ride every ride with your eyes closed, it’s your trip, so that’ your right to do that. And who is anyone else to judge that?

As for me, I am very similar to you in the changing of the plans. My wife thinks I am obsessive, and maybe I am, but like you have stated, it takes a lot of planning to get the perfect Disney trip, and I want to plan to make the perfect Disney trip. I am already planning my trip for 2020. It has already changed more times than I can count. I have spreadsheets made about what rides we will fastpass, what rides we will skip and tentative touring plans. And I’m sure that in the upcoming weeks and years (unfortunately) it’ll change. Numerous times.

The point is - don’t worry about it. You are around like minded folk here.

Wait, so you are going again in 2019 as well? That’s awesome. When do we go? You are picking me up, right?


That’s amazing! You’re a brilliant parent!

Yes, it’s Part 3 of my once-in-a-lifetime trip.

End of June.



So am I! (I’m sensing a pattern in that many of us are I’s and J’s…)

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Ok - I had to do it. I think I had taken it looonng ago but had no clue as to the result.

Wonder no more:

Dependable, considerate, and loyal to those closest to you, you have a firm grasp of the factual realities that lie before you as well as an eye for detail, each of which make you naturally gravitate towards others and their emotional needs. Nurturing and attentive, you tend to be quick to assume responsibility and to help out as soon as you see some task that could aid others. Though your surroundings rarely notice it, you tend to carry a lot of responsibility. All too often it is only when you are missing that others notice the immense effort that you usually put in to make sure everything around you is running properly and that everyone is looked after and feels at ease. Conscientious, thorough, and perhaps a bit perfectionistic, you are not one to impulsively chase after new and uncertain prospects before having finished the endeavor at hand. You tend to find a deep sense of satisfaction in working hard to achieve your goals and in selflessly supporting others, demonstrating that you care through your actions and preferring to lead by your quiet, dignified example.

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ISTJ as well. I know I stands for Introvert, but what are the other letters for? I hope J is something good because apparently I’m 100% J!

Haha it’s “judging” … which, TBH, is 100% me.