This is absolute 100% positive proof that WDW will re-open sometime in June, get your Disney face masks available June 15

Excuse me???


Unfortunately, they are finding that this may have been in the US back in December/January. If true, you took your vacation at the beginning of a pandemic.

These masks are cute, but wouldn’t be able to deal with the polyester. I almost had a panic attack while wearing a dental mask that my DH got from work. A week later, he brought home a washable one for me that wouldn’t fit him. I tried it and it’s the only one I can stand.

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I got the alert for these around 10am this morning. I literally stopped working with my kindergartner on her online learning just to go order a Star Wars set and a Mickey and Minnie set. She was like “Mommy…is this the right answer?” My response: “Hold on, sweetie, Mommy has some Disney business to tend to!”
By the way, I have a small face…like I wear children’s glasses when I don’t have my contacts in because adult ones are too big…and according to the measurements I have to wear a large size. The small must be for little kids! I told my husband he would just get the virus because when we measured him from mid-nose to his chin they didn’t make any big enough! We need some big and tall versions!!!


Why not? I get infected with some respiratory ailment or another just about every time I go, anyway. I expect that my chances of that will be a lot less with all the new cleaning procedures, hand sanitizing stations, and public awareness.

It has been so far.

Every once in a while a family gets wiped out in a car wreck on the way to or from Disney World, or suffers an unimaginable tragedy while there. There’s always a relatively small, but real risk that something tragic is going to befall you or a loved one while traveling. So, was it worth it?


Sorry, didn’t realize you were in charge of Disney park operations.

Conversation over everyone! Pack it up!

Seriously though, Disney’s been signaling intent to reopen for a couple weeks and the state of Florida clearly wants to get its tourism industry started again. Is it the most cautious, safe way? Of course not. Will they do it anyway? Probably.

No ones making you go, so I don’t get the outrage.


Or P100 masks.

You know.

The thing.

The thing what made you take off the mask.

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It’s like you’re a nurse or something.


I literally laughed out loud.


Hey stranger. How have you been?


Sigh… they sucked me in. I got two Mickey/Minnie, one Star Wars and one Marvel. And it’ll cost $39.95 for shipping + (likely) duty and taxes when it crosses the border + $5.00 to handle the duty and taxes (or is it $10.0 now?). They won’t be sent before July 15 and I probably won’t need them, but at least they’ll be collector’s items.

I’m so weak! :upside_down_face:


I’ll be curious to see how people say they fit. I looked at it and the loops don’t tie and don’t appear to be stretchy. So unless the loops are exactly the right size, the mask won’t fit properly. This from a sewist who has had to fiddle with getting the ties the right size.

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I have friends who work at Seaworld/Bush Gardens and are anticiapating some time between June 1 and July 1.


I wouldn’t read into it too much as far as parks opening. I just got an email from Gap to buy their new masks as well…

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So obviously something someone said ruffled some feathers here.!

People are going to view predictions about opening the way they want to. Then they are going to have the conversations they want to have. What’s the harm there?

If you’re right and it doesn’t open, then fine, but lots (myself included) think there are indicators it will open. So no harm in discussing and preparing and speculating (literally what this group does even in more normal times).

As for the choice to go or not, at this point we are all informed. People are capable of watching the news, checking CDC and state health websites, and monitoring what’s reported and what regulations have been lifted or maintained. Coming on and declaring that we are all making irresponsible decisions is not really a welcome contribution, I’d wager.

I have a trip currently booked for the week after the 4th of July. It is my choice if I decide to go. As long as I am not violating any travel restrictions, stay at home orders, etc, it is up to me to decide what level of risk I am comfortable with.


I totally caved and got the Mickey and Minnie ones - at least they match my planned outfits if my trip goes ahead lol


I also ordered some…can’t wait to get them.
Once the parks open (smaller capacity and everything else), people who want to go, will go.
I"ll wait to see how it all works out between now and the end of the year.

I’m interested in how food is handled (probably all pre-packaged) character interactions ( probably none), etc.

Although they’ve clearly ignored my request for Goofy and my intended trip is almost a year away, I’m tempted to pick up some.
In 10-15 years’ time, it’ll be an evocative keepsake of this crazy time.

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*citation needed.

On the subject of Masks… what the heck is with these designs? Where’s my park-branded ones? 4 Parks, 4 Masks…c’mon disney! Where’s my Batuu branded ones? I can’t be expected to go off world with a Mickey-face. That’s just insanity. :laughing:

I also want ride-branded ones. ToT, Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, PEOPLE MOVER, MMRR, Splash Mountain?!

I sense a great Etsy opportunity here. Sucks that I’m lazy.


Personally I’m holding out until they offer guests one of these babies.