The future of Springfield

I read a new report that claims that when Universal’s licensing of The Simpsons expires in four years, Disney does not plan on leasing the IP again. Instead they plan on introducing them to their parks (i can easily see them at DHS, maybe even WDSParis).

Assuming this is true, what would you like to see USF (and USH) do with this space? And what should Disney do with the Simpsons?

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I’m not on board at all with Disney using the Simpsons in the parks in any capacity.


Alicia Stella will have a news report out, hopefully today, about what is replacing Springfield.


I hope they bring back BTTF :crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4:


Please be weary of ANYTHING “Inside the Magic” publishes. It is a well known / documented tabloid of misleading them park “information”. They will say anything and make up things to get people to click on their articles for ad revenues.


Turns out, that’s not true at all! There was this evidence I saw in a video about how accurate they tend to be here. I was shocked.


I haven’t clicked on the link…yet… I know I’m about to be pranked!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

EDIT - Well played, Sir!



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I absolutely hate the idea of Pokemon.


Me, too. But…in the video, it is clear that the idea of Pokemon and Zelda are both just rumor mills at this point.

It seems like so much of the parks are based on animated and/or video game IP. 2 of the four lands at EU as well. :confused:

But if Pokemon replaces Springfield, I kind of feel like that area of the park will just become a pass-through for me even moreso than it is. The Dreamworks area will at least still have E.T., although that attraction is totally skippable for me, other than for nostalgia.

Then again…now that I’m a grandpa, I might find myself looking more through the lens of what my grandchild(ren) will like. Still…most of my favorite attractions at the parks are those based on live-action IP.


I’ve never gotten into Pokémon. However, my DD22 still actively plays those games on her Nintendo Switch and Pokémon Go… It’s still got some relevance I guess.

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Wait, did I miss this announcement? I knew that some of your kids were married. (DD just recently, right?) But I don’t recall seeing any mention of grandchildren!

The news has popped up in a few different threads.

But, yes. My DD just got married (Dec. 9). My oldest DS and DDIL gave birth to their first child (our first grandchild!) on December 17. A boy! He was a Christmas surprise, since he came almost a month early. But both mom and baby are doing well. (We get to babysit him for the first time this upcoming Monday!)


Congratulations! :tada: :tada:

Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wonderful!! That’s such great news!! :tada: :tada: :partying_face: :partying_face:

I don’t disagree that it’s relevant, I think DS19 would enjoy it and probably even DH. I personally can’t stand it though!

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I’m apathetic about it. For example, I never really had any strong feelings about Minions before Minionland opened. (I’ve only seen Despicable Me 1) Now, I kinda like them. The café, popsicles, M&G and style of the area is good enough for me to be OK with all of it. (notice that I didn’t mention the rides! :rofl: :crazy_face: :innocent:)

Give me any Land that is engaging and I’ll probably be happy.

For the record - I will miss Springfield A LOT. I was a 30 year fan of the show before I stopped watching. I enjoy both Twirl & Hurl and The Simpsons Ride. I play the games every once in a while because I like the dumb Simpsons puns. I hate FF Blvd, but like Moe’s and even the Flaming Moe is cute. (Although it should be purple!!!). There’s enough décor and sounds in the Land that make Springfield really fun.

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