The Disney IT rant thread

I do wish that more of our leaders (cough:Trump:cough) would do a turn of military service. I mean - at least try - and not make lame excuses about not serving.

I haven’t been following closely enough but that is sure to leave a bad taste in the mouth. Exit or stay, but don’t straddle.

I don’t watch TV, but this might tempt me…

Oh - not offended!!! Sorry if it came across that way. I’m just curious about perspective. This is why I lurk. I’m not a good social media poster. I’m soo much better at just observing!!!

I do think active battlefront service might make a whole lot of them a bit more human and adverse to starting wars.


He’s too old now. And he’s not the first who didn’t.

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The readership of this site is mostly American, so I am drawing a comparison with a system Americans are familiar with.

Both Harry and Trump are privately wealthy (on different scales) having inherited large amounts of money. Both perform public roles. Both live in State-owned accommodation. Both are paid by the State. Both are protected big the State.

Is Trump criticised for these things? No? Then why is Harry.

Harry’s cake is nailed to his forehead. He can never not be Prince Harry. The question is, given that this status was imposed upon him without any sayso on his part, what does he do with it? Does he go down the route of Beatrice and Eugenie and expect a Windsor Castle wedding with TV coverage, but have a private job and do fuck all for the State?

Or does he leverage his status to do good work. This is not about him amassing personal wealth, it’s about trying to do good in the world.

This is not a cake and eat it situation.


He avoided military service when he was called upon to serve. Harry did not.


Exiting is simply not an option. He cannot stop being Prince Harry.

His stated intention is to become financially independent, i.e. not take a penny from the public purse, yet continue to work for the State and to do good works generally.

What more do you want?

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Let it be noted that Harry and Meghan specifically asked for Archie not to have any royal titles.

They are not in this for vanity or power or status or cash. By “denying” their son royal status, their hope and intention is for him to be an ordinary citizen, something not possible for Harry himself.


In my case I want him to truly leave the money behind. That’s it. No wishy washy “maybe I will but I’ll keep the private jet, leave the horses, take the palace” That’s the part that irks me personally. I agree with everything else you said. He’s done some good stuff. And he’s done some bad stuff. He’s human, not a deity.

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If Harry can’t stop being prince so he will have no choice but to be public than he isn’t like a private citizen who became president.

Time will tell if they really leave the spotlight behind. That is where it will or won’t be straddled. Breaking up publicly was not the first step in a quiet exit…

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That’s true.

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What money? He has explicitly made a public commitment to become financially independent.

You want him to return his mother’s inheritance, too? He’s rich. So are lots of people. Why are you singling out Harry for criticism? And what good works are these other rich people performing?

You think the Trump children got where they are off their own backs? Are you calling for them to give the money back to their father?


They haven’t said they want to leave the spotlight behind. They want to use the spotlight to do good works.

You know, entirely unlike the Trump family.

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They deserve everything just for having worn this.



Those hats!!!

I clearly missed key elements but I’ve decided I don’t care.

If Trump’s offspring came out and declared that they want to be “financially independent” of their father, heck yes, I would say give your inheritance back then. Quit your job (which I sort of agree Harry can’t do). Live by your own means. Get as far away from the father you are declaring independence from.
You can’t be financially independent of who you received money from.
You can’t be independent from the royals and create That’s the kind of thing I’d call straddling.

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Aw, heck. I guess I’m too much of an overly critical conspiracy theorist. You make some, okay a lot of excellent points.

Aside, though. I thought Andrew wanted his girls to be allowed to represent the crown and receive funds from the civil list, but Charles wanted the monarchy paired down and vetoed it, which put a rift in their relationship.

See… very good at “overly critical conspiracy theorist”. :upside_down_face:

I know what you mean. Ultimately I live in a monarch less country, will never see any royal except on the cover of a magazine I don’t plan on buying and don’t care if they take all reported 1.2 billion pounds in Charles’ trust. It was just a comment I thought would be fun. Sorry about that amiga, back to your TP planning.