SW:GE Opening Day

Good article on TP blog about this morning at SWGE:

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Current Wait times for other popular rides

FOP 80 minutes
7DMT 75 minutes
FEE 55 minutes
Splash Mtn 50 minutes
TT 45 minutes
Space Mtn 35 minutes
Peter Pan 35 minutes
Navi River 25 minutes
Soaring 20 minutes
EE 20 minutes
BTMM 20 minutes


That must be a record low for FOP?


Yes, 6 total, two of each position. It’s based on where you are in line for the group of six. Pilots are first, then gunner, then engineer.
Single rider will generally will always get engineer (unless you trade)




Good to know. I’ve got a family of 5, so obviously I’ll take a pilot spot and let the others fight over the other one.


Wait times this morning at MK during EMH



all that was during the EMH though…keep that in mind (I mean, don’t get me wrong, that’s awesome, but it’s not like it was open to everyone).

EDIT… annnnnd forget what I just said. I didn’t scroll far enough. Looks like it continued on past standard park opening.

EDIT EDIT: exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcellent. Exactly what i was hoping would happen. MUAHAHAHAHAH


Crowd levels and wait times for today are absolutely meaningless for predicting the future, but there isn’t an infinite supply of WDW visitors. If large crowds of people are going to location A then location B(or C or D) are going to have lower crowd levels.

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Wait time for Smuggler’s Run is down to 120 mins. That’s not crazy for an opening day that is open to everyone and anyone.

I just don’t see this land having sustained crazy, crazy crowd levels for the next several weeks. I think the first few days may be like this but then it will become reasonable.

Until later in October and then into the holidays anyway.


Or when Rise of the Resistance opens on December 5th


For comparison last seven days of FOP average wait times,

96 min
140 min
116 min
133 min
114 min
121 min
107 min

So it looks like the typical wait time in the virtual queue today has been between 2-3 hours.

Once in, the line for Smuggler’s Run has been around 2-3 hours (excluding the peaks). The line for the ride is contained within the Land itself.

At first, there was a bug in the virtual queue, which let people join without being in the park; people wee joining from everywhere (Nebraska, for example). :joy:. They did get that fixed though, you have to be in the park to join (disclaimer, you may be able to join walking to the entrance, I don’t know exactly how precise it is),

I’ve asked around to see if you can leave DHS and still retain your place in a boarding group. Like to hop over to the Boardwalk area or Epcot for a meal. Will let you know.

Oh, and Oga’s were taking walk-ups during those first few hours. They didn’t actually serve alcohol until 6am, but you could get in when the Land opened.

And not sure if this was posted but they opened that gates to the Land at 4:50am.


You can leave, several Liners have done it.


i…haven’t the foggiest notion of what you’re talking about…:lying_face:


It’s not at all the same thing, but for comparison purposes TSL was an insane zoo on Day 1. I was there on Day 2. ASS was almost a walk-on. Well, OK, it was 30 minutes but, you know, that’s nothing in the grand scheme of things.

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I’m interested to know how long it takes to get into SWGE if you have a reservation. Like, is there a long line for this?

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Interestingly, now MDE says that all boarding groups have been called and now anyone is allowed in.

So, either Disney is doing too good of job managing crowds, or SW:GE is going to end up being as over-hyped at WDW as it was for DLR.


My first thought was: That sounds like so much fun.
My second thought was: That’s how that Stephen King novel started!

Thankfully it went better for Steve and Angela.

There’s still a 2 hour (ish) wait for the ride.

Will be interesting how this plays out. The first time we went to Hogsmeade at Universal, we walked straight in at 4pm and walked through the line for Forbidden Journey. It was a slow line, time to see stuff but mostly kept moving. We let a few people past us as we looked at the pictures and the study.

Might be similar here, go along later in the day.

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