SW:GE Opening Day

Yeah. But that’s even after they let everyone into the land!

Overall, this opening has seemed relatively mild. I expected it to be so, but not until after the first week. I’m surprised it is like this on the first DAY.

I’d say people showing up at 2am is a bit more than what happened at DL, where just a few guests were there at 6am. Quite a bit of the day’s demand is eaten up with those 3-4 extra morning hours (land opened at 5am!). At DL the boarding groups were all let in by 4-5pm on opening day after opening at 7am. So WDW had boarding groups for a bit longer.


I waited longer for space mountain on a mnsshp last week!


We are going back this evening for a droid reservation that is at 7:45. We asked a CM as we were leaving the land this morning and she said even if there is a virtual queue to get in the land, we just come to the entrance of the land up to 1 hour before our reservation, scan our band and are let in.


Are you going to build an R2 or a BB?!

One of each :slight_smile:


Btw @DumboRunner saw LOTS of plaids today.


Well at Disneyland you actually had to pre-register for a slot on the first few days!

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Your plan is better: RotR included means we are saving money. Its Disney Math :wink:


I know, I don’t think I will be able to choose!!!

Yes that’s right - I was referring to the first publicly open day (June 24th). It’s a little different at WDW admittedly since they had AP previews but no public reservation period.

Keep your plaids to yourself!!! :wink:

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I wonder… the other big ticket attraction comes out in December. This time in August generally has slower parks. Also add in that star wars hotel some time in the future.

Christmas is really popular… a lot of guests may very much be excited for GE… just will hit it when it’s “complete”

Wait times at 105. 45 on the other coast.


Wait time on opening day (6/24) at 4pm was only 80 min at DL. And it dropped to 50 min by 5pm.

How does this compare to the opening day of Pandora?

They really didn’t build repeatability into this. How many sabers and droids and drinks can a person buy?


That’s a good point. But with an outlay of potentially >$200 for a lightsaber and >$100 for a droid, they can wait for you to spend money there again for later I suppose. Plus the endless line of kids growing up with Star Wars and the franchise will create more warm bodies. I imagine Disney will have a Star Wars movie coming out every year for the next decade.

Pretty comparable then.

DL restricted people coming in a lot more. Less annual travelers, but more for the time of the year. More things to do to spot people in the DL park the. WDW HS.

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There’s already 3 movies slated over the next few years for sure.


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