"Snacks" in your room poll

Applesauce pouches. I selected the grocery delivery service on our last trip solely because of their in stock selection of GoGoSqueez.

Fruit snacks. Pizza flavor Goldfish. Nutter Butter cookies. Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

And a whole bunch of Bud Light Seltzer.


It sprays!
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Yeah, that’s a bit much… I used to like it on chicken in a biscuit crackers as a kid, but I haven’t eaten any in a long time.


Yes…it is a snack or a drink. :grin:. It is, in fact, one or the other. So…I answered…yes!

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Crisps ( OK, chips for you lot)


Ice Cream

We always have stuff in the fridge: cheese, deli meats and so on.


We have pop tarts and cereal bars for quick breakfasts. Bottled water to take to the parks. Oreos and Mountain Dew for DS to snack on in the room since he’s always hungry. That’s about it.

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When the kids were younger my MIL would pack a suitcase of snacks. Literally. Fresh fruit, and a ton of junk all in single serve pouches - muffins, Pringle’s, twizzlers, pretzels, jerky, pop tarts, mini donuts. These days she’ll pack a couple of things, but not much. I, however, need food I can eat, especially the I’m-going-to-die-if-I-don’t-eat-right-this-minute food. Epic bars and granola bars are my go to.

If we’re in a studio with no safe quick serve (looking at you Boardwalk) I’ll also pack allergy friendly instant oatmeal or some muffins for breakfast. I’ll pick up boiled eggs and fruit in the hotel store.


Variety of expensive cheese and lunch meat.
One bag of chips for each of us (Just so that we can have our favorite)

If we have a microwave and a little fridge, frozen breakfast sandwiches.

If we have a genuine freezer, Reese’s Klondike Ice Cream Bars. I wouldn’t marry them, but I’d totally adopt them and buy them G+.

Not really a snack but I also must have my Energy Pee. After several back-and-forths of “It looks like Pee”, “It is an Energy Drink” we settled on calling it Energy Pee. I have a SodaStream and I like their energy drink half strength because I like the taste.


Because it is vile?

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I don’t even know if they sell them any longer, but I used to LOVE “Bacon” crackers. They were kind of oval shaped. SO delicious. But, oh so unhealthy.


I. Love. These.

I am not allowed to buy them. Because I will eat them all. In one sitting.


Oh actually those were kind of good, as I remember it!


8 oz bottles of water, Doritos and Pringles for DS, Uncrustables, granola bars

I can’t believe you said this! I was looking at Garden Grocer for delivery for our upcoming trip just last night and they had no applesauce pouches. I literally switched over to another delivery service as a result. Who knew GoGoSqueez was so life-changing. LOL


We usually bring granola bars/protein bars and usually a crunchy cheesy snack like goldfish or cheezits. Oh, and fruit snacks. We often have our snack mix from the Southwest flight so we have that too.

I forgot about my favourite American foods to get when I’m there
-the Fage yogurt cups that have the cherry section to flip into the yogurt
-peach Honest tea


:rofl: Sometimes it feel good to know you are not alone LOL. I switched to Orlando Grocery Express. No regrets, plus also they still deliver booze.

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Chips and salsa and wine as a room-only snack. But also some kind of cookie (individually wrapped madelines or single serving Oreos are my favorite), string cheese, mini RX Bars, and mini bags of almonds are good in the room or in my park bag.

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The only time I keep any food in my room is when I’m doing RunDisney and need breakfast and run fuel. Other than that, I STUFF myself in the parks. :woman_shrugging: