Shoulda done a live trip report

We’re having dinner at Story Book Dining at Artist Point, and then I’m leaning towards a night swim.

Let’s see if I can be like @Jeff_AZ and make a survey!

What should we do after dinner tonight?

  • Go back to MK for fireworks
  • Night swim
  • Disney Springs

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You went at it hard yesterday and then hit rope drop again today. I think you should aim for a quiet evening in or run the risk of burning everyone out.


You are the voice of reason. We also have to pack. We check out in the morning and head to your favorite park!


Oh that’s a big deal.

Definitely need down time ahead of that.


I love taking a break at the end of the day in the pool / hot tub. Not as crowded and it’s a great way to rest your feet.


Oh how fun! Say hi to the Evil Queen for me.


My kids were nuts. I needed a cocktail. Things were going better til the cocktail tipped over and then I was sitting in it. The CM who helped me mop it up to put on me and brought me another. :heart: It has been a long day.


AK is not winning my heart. This park is the most confusing of all to a first time visitor. And We’re melting.


Uh oh! It is a hot and muggy park. Try to slow down and soak in the majesty of it all! It’s a marvel of engineering. You’re transported to Asia and Africa in ways you don’t fully recognize consciously.


Couldn’t get into the sacred space. Tried too early, then tried too late. So we’re mobile ordering at Satu’li. They won’t let anyone in until the mobile order is ready. I think that’s just irresponsible on a hot day. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Maybe we’ll be able to appreciate the majesty more after some AC.

We also visited first aide again, for my son this time. And I’m wondering if we should go back for my sting from 2 days ago. Is it normal for it to still be red and itchy after 2 days?


Yes, get some AC! After Satuli, maybe try the Nemo show. Or Dinosaur.


Sometimes stings are just like that but I would have someone look very closely to see if a bit of stinger has broken off and is still inside.
It usually looks like a tiny dark dot in the center but the swelling can hide it.
If you are sure it’s clear and just want some relief, I highly recommend getting Sting-Kill via instacart or amazon to your hotel.
Our family is racking up tons of experience in this department lately.


Take the train to Rafiki to stay away from crowds and to find shade.

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We got a LL for Dinosaur at 2, but it’s down. I also have a LL for the Nemo show at 2 for the 2:30 show.

DH is very impressed with the food here! Food and AC is definitely helping. I hear my children making happy noises again!


And we’ve all agreed that MDE is terrible right? For so many reasons. I just got a push notification, take on it, and… what’s the message? No sign of it! Sure hope it wasn’t important!


oh my gosh YES
impossible to trace.

I’m sorry. I used to love AK, but this last visit was not much fun. So hot, and it is a hard park to figure out and I have been there plenty. I get turned around there a lot.

Nemo will be a good temperature for a break.
Would y’all enjoy Animation Experience in Rafiki’s planet watch.

We struggled to stay at AK ourselves and never dreamt we’d just want to leave.

Can you ice where you were stung?


Ok, we survived! At the bus stop now. The Nemo show was amazing! Felt like a front seat to a nice, short Broadway show. Then we did Feathered Friends in Flight, because Genie + (so Chapek wins again), then searching for souvenirs.

We did a lot. Much of it good. I will write up a full trip report when we get home, but I’ll probably put it in La Cava.


I agree! I’ve been to AK a few times, and struggle with finding my way around. I think it’s because the amount of vegetation prevents open views across any distance (for the most part) and the various bushes/trees don’t look as distinct as the assorted buildings at the other three parks.

Someday I will have the luxury of time while at AK and can try hard to really learn my way around.


Yes! I think you’re right. All the greenery makes it difficult for the different area to look distinct.


They could also do better with signage. I feel like they tried too hard to create authentic-looking spaces, when they could really benefit from some big, large-print signs. But, again, they want me to get lost so I spend less time clogging up queues and more time wandering into shops and buying snacks.