Saturday, April 10

It’s better than a Cinderella moment because I know 20 years of blood, sweat and tears went into this. And being screwed over by a few greedy people along the way. But we stuck with it, stayed true to ourselves and I always bet on my DH. Opportunity.

Once we start spending more time there, I’ll be more than happy to share a cup of coffee and give you all the details of the abuse I overcame as well. I’m most proud of where I am because I know from which I came.


Thank you for your interest in Club 33 at Walt Disney World Resort. As membership opportunities are evaluated, Club 33 may contact you for further information.


Club 33 at Walt Disney World Resort


Wow, congratulations on overcoming incredible obstacles to be so successful today! I would love to be able to spend $15k on vacation every year. Not there yet :wink: If you ever need help spending your benefits, I’m sure any of us would be willing to assist.


I think you’ll find you have many more than 50 friends, good buddy :wink:


:rofl: True. I did make a promise to @sanstitre_has_left_the_building though, if I can’t make good on a guest house for him, I certainly can save him a couple of tickets for when he makes it off Plague Island.

If they even let me in in the first place!


I’m kidding of course, for me anyway. I wouldn’t fly 9 hours for 1 day, even with 16 FPs. I’m sure you can find some takers here though. If you get the opportunity! Fingers crossed for you!


My guess is that if anything gets announced, it’s paid FastPass. And that’s going to come down to how much it costs. I wouldn’t be surprised to see variable pricing based on demand.

I could be completely wrong here.


I can confirm that it does.


A true Cinderella story! I am so sad to read of the hardships you went through, but happy to see you rise above it all!

I would say I’m jealous (I am) but you deserve to at least have the memory of such magical moments to get you through till travel resumes.


Having those 16, wholly unrestricted, FPPs was undoubtedly awesome — it enabled me to do Four Parks in One Day, just riding the most primo rides in each park. (Actually, getting through 16 FPPs in this way is surprisingly difficult.)

However, I have awesome memories of other trips where I just had the same FPP options as everyone else. The key was knowing how to play the system — and this website was a critical part of that.

On my first trip, for example, I wasn’t staying on property, so I only got 30 days. But a wonderful Liner reached out to me and umbrella’d me into her trip, so that I did get 60 days. Which meant I rode FOP in the FPP line.

There have always been ways to pay your way onto a short line — MVMCP, MNSSHP and the DAH events, for example.

At UOR I’ve done the non-private VIP tours and always bought the Express Passes. I’ve taken the view that it’s such a long way to come and the trip is so expensive anyway, I might as well make the most of it.


Whatever the announcement is, I certainly wish they’d give people a little notice. Like at least 60+ days.


Not a limited 1,2, or 3 depending on resort?

No!!! I loved MaxPass!!

Is there any intel on what time this media event is taking place? I want to know what time I should start relentlessly refreshing twitter…


I was just thinking the same thing!

Well that’s the really interesting part.

One gets retired while a new iteration is born, possibly introducing a tiered system.

It might make sense, especially with DLR’s new AP guidelines.

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So as a media event I presume there will be an agreement that you will spread the word to us unwashed masses… but only after staying mum until after a specific time?
Like after Disney announces it?


ugh same. I’ve been down several times this year and Its really depressing not getting to ride it!

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this is such an interesting thread and I’m anxious to see what awaits!


Oh, I’m getting excited now…, a lot more so than yesterday.

Apparently things have started moving quickly. Could have some “explosive” news today. Maybe.