Saturday, April 10


… there are ppl starving and w/o jobs…


I’ve noticed. At first I was trying not to give hearts to @ryan1 but then I thought, “I’m not being true to myself” :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Given Len’s post about the indicator switching on starting 4/11, which is the day my trip starts, yes. I mean, I’m not nervous because if you look at my plans you’ll see that FP isn’t likely to be super useful for anything except ToT and RnR, but it juggles things at the last minute right when I thought I was finally going to get to have a plan go relatively as planned.


This is definitely one of those situations where you want the thing to hold out until after you’ve traveled, if you’re traveling soon, but to happen soon enough for the kinks to get worked out before you travel, if you’re traveling not-so-soon.


But like I said way up top, they’ll probably make it available to people in select resorts that don’t include mine. That’s my luck.

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I’ve been there, done that. That I know of, I’m the only one in this forum who called a '78 beetle home for a few months, parking it in the lots of the 3 waitressing jobs I was juggling.

This side of my life time is much better. It makes me more appreciative of the nice things DH and I bust our humps for.


I was thinking about how easily everything could change and we’d be living on the streets. It really makes me think America isn’t the greatest country :frowning: when this is so common. And no I don’t want to start a political debate, I’m just musing w/ my friends here …


Sort of. Mine was a 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix.

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I see that as How everything could change and we could all be living in the streets, which is why America IS so great. Opportunity. Also, not being political.

I stand corrected. And funny about them both being the same year.

I’d say I got the better end of that deal though. Those old Grand Prix were boats.

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Back to the point of the thread. Could this be Genie coming out too?

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I am nervous. Even though I would be within my 60-day window (assuming April 10 is the day), I feel like I will be fighting a gazillion people on that day to get FP’s, and the system will crash before I get what I am trying for.

ETA: My resort stay begins 5/8/21, so if they keep the same rules, not only will I be competing against on-site guests (60 days), but off-site guests as well (30 days). :anguished:



I have been dreading that from the second it was announced.

I love me some Aladdin, and Robin Williams is genius as the genie so this is no reflection on that movie or that actor. But I hope the Genie never makes it out of the bottle. Keep that stuff stopped up and in the Cave of Wonders forever.


I have a Fastpass question that I need to be ready with in case they do come back. We have a vacation package booked for July. We will be staying at CBR from July 18-22. We purchased a package deal with rooms and tickets using the “two extra ticket days” deal, so we have 5 day park hopper tickets purchased along with our room as a package. Our plan is to arrive on the 18th and spend that day at Disney Springs or at the resort. We then have reservations in Disney parks for the next 3 days. We will check out on the 22nd and go to Seaworld on that day and Discovery Cove on the 23rd—we will be staying at an offsite hotel at this point. We have reservations back in the Disney Parks for the 24th and 25th since our tickets are good until that point. OK, I’m finally getting to my question—I know that in the past, you could book FP+ at 60 days if you stayed on site and 30 days if you were off site. If Fast Pass returns, would we be able to book all 5 of our days at the 60 day point since they are all on the same tickets, or would our final 2 days have to be at the 30 day mark since we will have checked out of our Disney Hotel at that point?

I agree. As many Liners have pointed out, Disney is not great at predicting their own wait times, how on Earth do they plan on doing an optimization tool if they can’t even do an optimal queue check?


I’m against genie personally, but I’m of the opinion that their wait time numbers are purposefully wrong. And that they manipulate the numbers to steer people into the directions they want them to go.


I think Genie is just an extension of this, really… if they want to move people around like Sims then that’s fine, but I’ll be an NPC and keep using Lines.


Nobody knows. Sorry.

If it’s like it was before, you’ll be able to book all 5 days provided that you’re onsite hotel the entire time. If you are onsite hotel, offsite, and then onsite again you’ll have two booking windows, each of which will bo 60 days in advance of arrival date for each hotel stay.

But nobody knows if it is coming back or in what form


There used to be this old playstation game called Theme Park, where you could build/manage your own theme park. One of the things you could do to make money was make fries super cheap and super salty, and then make drinks expensive and add extra ice.

Disney is doing that basically, but on a whole other level using data from our magic bands and phones. That’s why lines is such a valuable tool.


We have played it.

Our son is playing it or something similar now

I remember it being a lot of fun