Returning to the Magic - A trip report

Really sorry to hear this. I too hope it is a quick bug and the fever is just nature’s way of getting rid of it! Please keep us posted!


Just had him take a rapid test, and fortunately it was negative again. So at least there is that.


Sending good thoughts and prayers. Hopefully he came down with it in time to be well for travel in a couple more days.


Hopefully. Of course, being the planner I am I’m already working on the backup trip. But hopefully we can still pull this one off.


Oh no! I hope he feels better really soon.


The Backup Plan:. While we still hope to make our trip in two days, my planner self is working to ensure a backup. Between park reservations availability, hotel availability, and other commitments, the earliest we could go is mid to late June. DS11 finishes school on 6/17, so after that is ideal (although we wouldn’t blink at this point about missing school).

So yesterday I booked YC from 6/18 through 6/29. Obviously we wouldn’t stay that long, so that should give some flexibility as we map this out.

Looking at flights (and the fact that I’ll have a JetBlue credit), one option seems to be staying one extra night and taking an afternoon flight from PVD. Given the cheaper hotel rate not being near Easter, we basically would come out even with the extra night and late afternoon flight.

So if we make the call tomorrow to cancel, I’m thinking we would fly out the afternoon on Monday, June 20, and return Tuesday, June 28.


  • We still get to do Disney relatively soon and stay on Crescent lake
  • Slightly longer trip
  • Guardians will be open
  • Characters back into more full swing
  • Maybe they will fix Genie+ by then?
  • Maybe Minnie Vans and Fantasmic may be back?


  • June weather is not as nice as April weather
  • We have to wait another two months
  • I won’t get to meet @OBNurseNH

So I am hoping that this week happens, but if it doesn’t, I am glad we are least have a backup plan.


Hoping everything works out for the best! It’s nice you have options at least.


I am so sorry to hear your little guy is sick.

I am impressed with how quickly you were able to come up with a backup plan, but I hope you will be able to take your trip in a few days as planned. I’m hoping your little guy is back to himself soon and that no one else gets sick.


Hope he feels better soon!


Hey @mikejs78 I’m just coming back around to post after a busy afternoon and evening.

I hope your DS is feeling better. I am impressed with your planning skills in creating a JIC (just in case) backup plan in such short order, and seeming to manage to keep a brave face amid the uncertainty. And I’m honored to make the list of your “cons” of canceling the trip, should it come to that.

I hope that tomorrow when I check the countdown thread you’re down a number as you have been all these days in a row, and have not turned back the clock even a little. But if you have to your “pros” list is pretty dang impressive and I know you and yours will have an epic trip even if it is delayed (ahem, again).

Crossing all…


How’s your son today? Anyone else feeling sick?

We are at a point where we don’t know what to do. No one else is feeling sick so far, DS11 is feeling better, but woke up with a 101 fever and still coughing. But his color is back, his energy seems back, and his appetite is much improved.

Got a sick visit with the pediatrician to rule out Strep/Flu… Then I guess we’ll make a call this afternoon?

If Disney weren’t so insanely booked and if it didn’t have the whole park reservation thing, we’d just push it off a few days…


Hopefully he’s through the worst of it amd since no one else feels ill y’all can make a go of it. What’s the schedule for tomorrow if you do go?

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It sounds like a step in the right direction.

My family was sick with fever for what amounted to almost 4 days, nasty cough, lethargy - I’m 99% sure it was flu. As soon as they turned that corner it was like nothing happened (aside from the cough that persists). I would say if his fever resolves by tomorrow you’re good to go, and based on the timing and what seems to be going around in these New England parts right now I have good faith that it will.

Glad, just the same, he’s being evaluated in a sick visit today. If it’s something needing abx that will make all the difference.


I am just catching up here . I hope he continues to rapidly improve!


Also hoping for a rapid improvement. The uncertainty is so tough!


To top it all off there’s a major storm coming through New England tonight and into tomorrow morning. Normally I wouldn’t worry about something like that, but given how JetBlue has been lately, :man_facepalming:.


Tough call. Either way, I really hope your son is feeling better really soon.


What time is your flight?

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