Reassure me I don't need a car

You’re making me blush! :blush::blush:

I certainly hope so!!


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:GoOd GriEf​:astonished: @Pod You are kind, but I promise you my kids won’t be nuclear anythings. Maybe a nurse in nuclear medicine… but I’m not sure they can all spell nuclear.

My reasons for homeschooling were many, but initially faith-based. As the first one was graduating last year I decided that the biggest gift I had been able to give my kids via homeschooling was time to explore their interests. We checked off what just had to be done, but then had more time for self exploration and such. This may have backfired… The oldest wants to direct movies, the second oldest wants to start movies, and the third oldest wants to write songs. ( I hope this doesn’t keep the young homeschooling families up at night. :cold_sweat:)

Thankfully, they are all also very reasonable. They see what a blessing it has been for my husband and I to live debt-free, and to travel (at least regularly, though not extravagantly.) The oldest DS 18 got his AS last month and is adding on a data science major or minor to his digital media major for his BS. Son #2 is intently evaluating options. He’s been taking college classes since he was 14, but has no direction.

But work ethic - oh yeah!!! DS 18 has three jobs this summer and is working 66+ hours a week (maintaining county parks - 40 hrs, plus a cleaning job and lifeguard). He leaves tomorrow for a 10 day missions trip. I’m not sure I can take credit for any of it.

Enjoy your time with the kids @kerrilux_625778. It goes too quickly.


My oldest was in a booster til he was 12!

My nine year old will easily be in one for that long. She’s barely out of a 5-point!!!


You’re not wasting time waiting if you’re with your friends.

We’ve had food delivery a couple of times even with a car cuz it’s so convenient (aka so not into food shopping).

And now with My Disney Experience you’ll know when the bus is approaching your bus stop. Be sure to determine your walking time to the bus stop. Knowing the bus arrival time worked great last July.


Yup. One of the few circumstances I would be team rental


Soooo nice to hear! In the UK, (almost) everyone seems to forward face their kids as soon as they possibly can, from about six months. Absolute madness. DD5 is still rear facing. Our friends think we are the weird ones…


@Dreamer I’ve had Prime Now delivered to my room while I was still at the airport on a late arrival. Package was waiting for me when we got to the room. I’ve used it four times. Items are dropped off at bell service and then delivered to your room. I’ve never gone to meet the driver directly.


I truly love hearing this. I’m not sure why some parents don’t take car seat safety seriously.


That’s a really good point.


If you want to save some money, buy a gift card for uber or lyft at target or on a website like You can save 5-15%. I doubt you can use on the Minnie Vans, but other than that it will save you a couple of dollars.


Perfect. I don’t necessarily want to be waiting around for the delivery.

Thanks for the suggestion. I feel like I am at Target all the time so picking up a gift card would be easy.

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Don’t even get me started on chest clip positioning!! “CHEST” clip, not “belly” clip!!!


Yes! And you shouldn’t be able to fit your whole arm under your kids 5 point harness.

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When my kids complain that it’s too tight (it’s not, they’re just complaining) I always tell them I’d rather have them alive than comfortable!!


I will admit to turning them around by 2. Maybe I didn’t have the nicest car seats or something but some of them seemed to have ridiculously long legs that would start to hurt on long trips when rear facing.


We were over top with car seat safety. DH is a first responder and has seen waaaaaaaaay too much. Now we are approaching driving age, uggggghhhh!



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Two isn’t bad though (up until recently that was the recommendation). I get parents turning them at 12 months and that is just scary.

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I’ve been through that age and it is just downright scary. Sorry to say that.