Reassure me I don't need a car

I do think you could use Lyft even at 5 am if you wanted to make it to the 6 am park opening. And would hope Disney would have the buses running early.


Off topic but good for you. As a pediatrician I see way too many parents taking their children out of the 5 point harness early. And out of booster seats too early.


I don’t even forward face them until they are at least 4!! And they sit in their car seats on the planes, even when they are young enough to be lap babies. I don’t mess around with car seat safety!


Lyft is available 24 hours a day. It’s been a real comfort to me as a parent as my kids have grown up and gone far away for their education. They have one of my credit cards and it’s set up for notification when there’s a charge over .01. So I know what’s going on even 2000 miles away.:grin:


So perfect!


Is it wrong that I have this set up for my husband?! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


That’s what I figured. I’m not really ride sharing savvy–I tend to rely on my kids for that.:rofl: They ordered all our rides in Europe.

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That is hysterical!

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No. My husband is the grasshopper and I am the ant. When I met him, he was paying one credit card off with the other, but I’m a child of Depression-era parents. Needless to say, I manage all of our accounts now.


My husband GAVE one of our cards to his brother. $5,000 later I’ve learned to be vigilant!



But, your husband is a generous soul, and that’s wonderful! Mine taught me not to worry so much, though I still do.


He is. And on one hand it’s something I dearly love about him. On the other hand, he gives what is not always his to give and the children and I suffer. We’re working on balance.


It’s an ongoing project, for sure! What’s interesting for me, is my DH is not irrational. He’s very good in mathematics and understands risk, stocks, interest, you name it. For me it’s more emotional because I grew up with older parents who wouldn’t trust banks because banks failed. I had an ATM card before my mother did. My father never had one. Neither of them had credit cards and their house was paid off in 5 years.

That’s not rational behavior now, but it was when they were growing up.


My husband grew up with no money and therefore no idea how to handle it. I grew up with too much money and too much freedom in spending it. We were doomed from the get go!!


That is an interesting combination.

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It has certainly caused some issues between us! And our bank account!

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Haha, you are my kids!

My husband and I are both from humble beginnings. I’m a literal coal miner’s daughter. None of our parents had college degrees and we both have multiple graduate degrees.

We tried to instill a work ethic in the kids, and I think for the most part we succeeded. But I can’t say they ever mowed the lawn. And why would they, when they know that until they grew up a bit someone else mowed it for us?

You can’t hide money from kids, they’re smart. And if you try, they’ll become resentful. I’ve seen that situation a couple of times and it isn’t pretty, because it’s natural to want to give your kids everything you can, and if you don’t…

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My dad did (I think!) a great job of this with me. Even though every expense (tuition, books, housing, food, car, gas, clothing, etc.) was covered for college, I still worked 1 - 3 jobs at any given time. I just didn’t feel right making my parents pay for my (excessive) partying!! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

I only work part-time now, but I do so from home while also raising 3 small children and homeschooling 2 of them. I’m not lazy. I just like to spend money, regardless of how much I have!! I have become better about reigning it in, but I have a ways to go. (You were on that other thread about how I’ve now upgraded half my stay to club level!!)

At least we have no credit card debt, right?! :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


If you were my daughter, I’d be proud of you.

I homeschooled one of my children (DS27) because he was smarter than DH and me put together. He’s now a nuclear engineer and I’m not allowed to know what he does. :grin:

My next-door neighbor homeschooled all 6 of her kids and they are extremely successful. All but the youngest have families. So what you’re doing for your kids, like @ryan1 and @qwerty6 doesn’t need to be explained or excused. It’s wonderful!

We all have our faults and excesses- WDW is not the the worst of them by a long shot. It’s a fun and happy place where you’ll make tons of memories that will be treasured by your family for years to come.