Q4 Earnings Call

I think a lot of it is also style of eating.

Some people expect an entree to serve as one’s entire meal.

Some people see it as just part of a meal, along with at least one app and dessert.

Also, some people are “5-6 small ‘meals’ a day” and others are “I skip breakfast and eat 2 main meals.”

That’s one reason this forum is helpful. We get to know each other’s eating styles a bit more so can understand context of reviews better.


That is true. We don’t do appetizers at a lot of restaurants (we did just try the new crab fries at Bonefish Grill this past weekend. They are delicious.) and we almost never get a dessert. I expect the main dish to satisfy me. If I want a dessert at Disney, it’s usually several hours after I have eaten dinner.

I know there are some people that like to eat in courses.


We generally get a couple of apps, a couple of desserts, and share entrees. If I had the choice often I will just get apps and dessert.


I like modest portion sizes. The only way I maintain my figure is by having smaller portions - I don’t have the will power to cut out any categories of foods. I eat whatever I want, just not too much of it. That’s why things like Toothsome shakes are unappetizing to me - it’s just too much of an otherwise good thing. But nor would I be satisfied with a shot glass dessert or something.


I tried it, but it doesn’t work. I cut my meal sizes in half, but now have twice as many meals. I haven’t lost a single pound! :wink:


It’s funny but on Noom, one of the helpful tips is to put your meal on a smaller plate so optically, you feel like you have more. Not sure if I contribute my weight loss to a smaller plate, but I am down 45 pounds as of today :grinning:


Wow! Well done! :trophy:


Anyway, back to the original purpose of this thread.

Yeah, that Earnings call yesterday was full of the usual amount of “corporate speak”. But the new term I heard for the 1st time ever came from Chapek’s mouth in an interview on CNBC he did after the call, in which he said that they have some “pricing headroom.” Those 2 silly little words coming from him suddenly put everything going on at WDW these days into perspective for me, including the cost of hot dogs and other mickey food.




Read here: stuff’s still going to keep going up (because we’ll still keep paying)


Yeah, they can probably get $30 for ROTR iLL.


Well duh

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Or…we’ll just keep doing less. We’ve already pared down some of the things we wanted to do from our plans. If they raise prices more, we’ll pare down more. I pre-bought our tickets because I’m afraid there is likely another price increase there.

My wife and I have been having conversations that talk about using SSR as our “home base”, but actually go to Universal instead in future trips, thanks to the rising costs at Disney.


You can also get a year long pass to SeaWorld for just over $100 and they have awesome coasters.


This seems to be Boma’s strategy.

It hasn’t worked for them or me. :wink:



It’s Christmas holiday stuff looks nice too

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They’ve been suggesting the same thing on WW since before noom existed, but yeah. I have definitely used that at buffets when those were a thing.


For the prices Disney charges for food, they should be serving some large portions so I don’t feel like I’m getting completely screwed. Even if costs are up, they’re still making a good margin on the food they sell.

All I know is my family was invited to go to Disney World along with my sister’s family in a few weeks. After checking availability and crunching some numbers, we said, nope.

I never thought I’d turn down a Disney trip. They keep pushing me in that direction and this news from the quarterly earnings call just felt like they are doubling down now.


It is awesome there for the holidays. They aren’t doing as many this year sadly.

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Len has mentioned this exact hotdog a few times on the Disney Dish podcast and claims it is the best hotdog on property. I’m a rube when it comes to hot dog gourmet, but I don’t think I could justify $8 for only a hot dog when you can go inside CHH next door and get a kids meal for that same price: chicken or salmon, fries or green beans, apple sauce, and a drink. So much better than a hot dog.