Problems posting

Are you good now with desktop view??

Apart from the fact I’m going to have to reset my password because for some reason my saved one isn’t being recognised (obviously forgot to save it last time I changed it), I just see this:

That looks like the old lines app??

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So what do I search for?

I’m seeing the UOR one and that one. Not finding anything else in the App Store.

It’s the same app you have but just needs to update versions.


So where do I find the update button?

If you have an iPhone, in your settings, go to App Store and see if “App Updates” slider is to the right for automatic updates. If not, I think there is a way to update manually in the App store but I’d have to research since they changed it a few years back.


Yes android you can update from app store also. February 19, 2021 update

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Nope. I’ve just resigned myself to this fate lol

Desktop view is actually worse.

Eta: I have a very old android. Updating this weekend as soon as screen protector arrives.

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I use an iPad. The setting is to automatically update. Maybe if I just delete and reinstall it’ll get the new version.

I really don’t like using apps, partly for this reason. But also because I have my main websites open in my browser all the time, and I like having them all there. Would so much rather use the website but it seems the updated version just doesn’t support this one function for me.


Same problem in the app too.

I didn’t realise the app would take me to the web discussion forums though! Which explains why I have the same issue.

What’s the email address for technical issues, I’ll ask the team to look into this, I hate not being able to create new threads. I literally can’t see where and what I’m typing.


There is a forum app? Or just the lines app with a link to the forum?

The changes on my iPhone and my iPad are different. I no longer have a “latest” on my iPad view unless I click on the top right.


Oh c**p, now I’m having the same problem as others were having. I can’t see the post I’m replying to either. That was working fine earlier, before I tried the app. Now I just have a new box that covers everything.

:cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:

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According to this menu yes. It’s just not in the app store.

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Does that go to your inbox? :rofl:

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Trust me, I am not the person you want to be giving you technical help :joy:


@david answered on the other thread. He is always so helpful.


Android? Does that install the lines app?

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So I read through and now have the preview next to the reply box and can scroll through the thread as I’m replying.

So just back to my OP. And I’ll pass that to the technical team. Duly noted not to ask @missoverexcited.

If I have any new news then I’ll try my best but they may end up being garbled. :joy::joy:

At least I don’t feel quite so stressed at not being able to post at all now. Still a PITA though.