Pre book LL’s starting July 24

There was a really great Poly Confirmed DVC reservation that popped up. I started to call DH to see if I could throw caution to the wind and grab it. But then it clicked. It was for 07/25 for 4 nights. I don’t think I could handle it, lol. But I was tempted. I could be the guinea pig if I was solo. I would not want to drag DH around though. He expects me to bring the magic!


Same here. I make the magic happen. Glad to have my DS19 who was the one who begged to go to Disney years ago and got me hooked. He said he will wake up early with me for VQ’s if needed and will be able to help hunt down hard-to-get LL’s. My other two are passenger prince and princess!


In theory, could I book my LL’s at my 7 day mark, and then if I don’t get what I want cancel or edit daily as other things get released each morning?

So if I don’t get SDD at 7 days out, can I try at 6 days, 5 days, 4 etc hoping each day they release some for the others who are a booking day behind me? Get what I’m saying?


Here’s a question:

Going to the Halloween party 10/3.

I went to the Xmas party in 2018.

I am absolutely certain with my 49-year old brain that I got 3 FP and used them the day of the party without any other park ticket. We got in line around 3 and just before 4 they let us into the park (then of course it started raining).
Our first was Jungle Cruise at 4, then we did one at 5, one at 6, then at 7 we started doing party stuff. I think we had one for Haunted Mansion and I can’t remember the other.

Do you think this will be possible? To buy the new LL for that day without a park res?

People are saying no. That’s fine.

Am I remembering wrong? I am a scrapbooker so I might even have the dang plan that I printed out saved in a scrapbook and can go on a hunt for it.


Yes, we did the same thing going to the party with the old FPP system.

I think with the new system there’s no way to know if that will work yet, need data points from some people!

My educated guess would be for it to work you’d either have to have another ticket or an AP voucher sitting on your account to make the park res and enable the ability to pre-book the new LLs (Maybe?)

If you knew you’d use it in the future, could buy the cheapest after 1pm or after 5pm convention ticket to make the APR, and just keep it on your account for another trip. (Kind of like the old days where people would keep a dormant convention ticket on their MDE to generate FPPs and use them with dummy MBs.)


There is obviously no data, so my answer is based on what I recall from FPP days. During FPP, more slots were not added each day. So the earlier in your trip you booked, the less availability there was as others with longer trips had already booked their trips. I am expecting this is be similar, so while you can modify, I would not expect when you check at day 6, day 5, etc that there will be a renewed stock and allow you to snag anything great that was not available the day before.

Again, we are all guessing, but that would be my guess at this time.


Super late to this thread and this was probably already answered but here’s my question. I’ve used Genie+ several times. When it first came out I had a trip and that was back when you could pre-purchase it for the duration of your trip. You had to buy it for each day, you couldn’t pick and choose days. Then of course it changed to you had to buy it each day, no ability to buy in advance for the duration of your trip. With the new multi-pass lightening lane, can you pick and choose in advance what days you want it for or it has to be for every park day?


Yes that is what they are saying!


Yes, this worked with FPP on party days.

Maybe. We don’t know yet. Note: In the early days of FPP, I think FPs were distributed on party days though the 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm hour, but at some point (either during the later days of FPP or when G+ started, the latest time window for FP/LL ended at 6:00 pm.).

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Sure - from a Disney business perspective, absolutely.

If you frequently stay offsite (or are a Florida resident with a. AP) this is a bummer compared to the current system amd there is no getting around it.


Please know, my issue is being told, in all caps, that if you like the new system, you are wrong. I can scroll through a lot, and really try not to personalize things, but the repeated use of the word “you” (as in, “you will see you are wrong”).as opposed to “I” (as in “I feel this is going to be terrible”) was hard to not take personally.


There is on Androids but not iphones. @JJT has posted on this. I can do a search to see if I can find a link (once I read through the next 100 posts).

Edit: sorry - I see you got there!


I did it 2019 MVMCP.

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Seriously? Lighten up Francis.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


You said people didn’t like the negative spin. So I thought I would clarify what I thought the issue was🤷‍♀️


You might try looking up the definition of ‘irony’. It could do you some good.


Re Magic Bands …I’m Canadian, and able to order it if I have a US mailing address on my account. I just wait until it within the dates where they ship to resort.

I wonder if this will be similar…do we know if they are blocking Canadians too?

At least there will be a few weeks between when this starts, and when I go.


I am genuinely sympathetic to your disappointment, but it has become abundantly clear in 800 posts that the majority of Liners are not overly bothered by the changes. You may not realize it, but your disappointment and dissatisfaction are coming across in a very harsh way, and people are overwhelmingly responding kindly in spite of that. I hope you can see that many have tried to point out how their feelings have been hurt. Even if they wanted to, there isn’t anything anyone on the forum could do to bring back Genie +. This is probably the nicest Disney forum online. Let’s keep it that way.


Just to lighten the mood, for those who don’t have La Cava access to see my lightbulb moment…


We are living in the future… LeeLoo Disney MultiPass!