Pre book LL’s starting July 24

I was thinking prebook Remy, only book 1 or 2 LL’s then morning of, see if I can get FEA and/or Soarin’ at 7:00am.


Are they opening up LL distribution at 7am though( to be considered “day of”)? They may change it. I can’t recall how it was with FPP.
I have a feeling that the first 3 you choose, regardless of when you book them, will have to follow the one tier 1 and two tier 2. But if it doesn’t- great!

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Following up on this, wouldn’t that still be considered pre-booking if the park isn’t open yet?

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Yes, we could get MBs pre Covid, post Covid we had to use a VPN but now a VPN doesn’t get you through either.


I wonder if it changed because it would require more staffing (not much mind you). I think Covid reopening Disney rehired on a need to basis. It was quite a balancing act.
If anyone would want to add a US guest to their reservation to test whether one could in fact preorder bands and pre-book/ purchase LLs, I wouldn’t mind helping out. I have an AP until end of November. #ForScience.




Definitely thought this was to be announced, then I thought a bit longer. @Jeff_AZ was right, change is hard!


When do we think TP is going to update their software to account for the new Genie+???

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I have zero inside information, but from an old IT pro my guess is:

They will be working as quickly as they can, but we have no way of knowing.

There’s some pretty complicated stuff going on under the hood, and at this point we’re essentially dealing only with what Disney marketing is telling us about the new system, not exactly how it will behave.

But TP has been doing this a long time, so that’s a big positive.

Disney is kind of like the IRS - “Here’s some rules you need to follow - we’ll tell you what we actually mean and how it affects you in the next 11 - 378 months. Have fun trying to stay out of jail!”


I was assuming LL’s would open up for people buying them Day-of at 7;00am, but am clearly mistaken. They can be booked at any time!!! I misread an example in Disney tourist blog.

He suggested get one LL EARLY, then scan in at the ride then immediately book 3 top-tier rides COULD be possible. I don’t know if that is worth the gamble for me except at Epcot!
If I can score Slinky, ToT and TSM at HS I will be happy and RD MMRR and RnRC (which should be open). I’m not super worried about MK. I know I can make it work over there. I just want to get us on Remy and frozen but we aren’t rope dropping that park…but maybe plans need to change!!


My mom said declared “loophole” my unofficial middle name as a kid and said I should be a lawyer. I’m not a lawyer but I do love a good loophole and it would be extra exciting to find one myself!


I suppose most of the changes to Genie+ can be accounted for using forced LL return times. And then once July 24th gets here we’ll have some real data to work off of.


Was looking thru to see if there was any mention here of issue that you can’t book if overseas.
Interesting to see if vpn works- it does for magical extras, doesn’t for MB purchase & apparently not for MNSSHP. But even if a vpn does let you book- why on Earth is that acceptable?


VPN for MBs stopped working sometime around February- I got vpn to book CFG at 60 days for my April trip. Cld have bought a MB then, couple of weeks later that option went away. Luckily I didn’t want bands- but why block us in the 1st place?

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I am almost certain a VPN won’t work - based on no evidence obviously. I can’t understand why they would do this.


Hoping there will be enough outrage from overseas TAs, travel companies and guests in general that this is corrected- it is beyond unreasonable. Glad I won’t be back until 2026 now. But sorry for anyone overseas heading to wdw in July.


If that is possible, then another possibility would be to pre-book all 3 and modify the second two pre-booked LLs to top-tier rides after you scan into the first LL.


They might be ok if they get there just as it rolls out. But I would be going mad if I had a trip!


You could hold 2 LLs with one being a Tier 1 for later in the day and one being a Tier 2 that you plan on tapping into at park open. Tap and then immediatly book two Tier 1’s (since you will have 2 available slots). IF this will be allowed. Who knows what the software will actually let you do. People have had to visit the blue tent for things that shouldn’t have or should have happened with Genie+.

I think one of these will have availability at park open. So even if you pre booked one, if you can book Tier 1s day of to bypass the two Tier 2 requirements you should be good. If not, I really think drops will still exist.


My biggest hangup for this is I will be my own guinea pig as I will be there Aug 1, and will be booking my 3 rides per day on July 25. I’m not super stressed, just hoping for the best. This will be my 8th trip to Disney and I know how to do the parks whether I have LL’s or not. I know we can have a good experience no matter what, I just want to get a good value for the $100’s I will spending for 4 people a day for this new program.