Pre book LL’s starting July 24

This is helpful. Good to know there are no real changes at DLR. Thanks


You’d still be ahead of the international guests!


Disney prefers the term “Tier 2 guests”.


Y’all are Tier 1. You, typically, stay on-site & in the bubble. Keeping all your money there! They love you!!


Yet they won’t let us pay for MBs upfront with our stay and now they won’t let us buy LLs upfront either. In 2022 I could buy Genie + ahead of my trip no problem, something obviously changed.


I saw this in the TP article about the new system…

:star: International guests will not be able to purchase Lightning Lane Multi Pass or Single Pass prior to arriving in the United States. This is likely related to international laws, and may change in the future — but probably not any time soon.


Will be there a week later, Aug 8, so not much more time. Please share what tricks you learn!


It’s not trolling…! We’re doing 19 nights Disney, then 2 Universal (we’re DVC so Disney is much cheaper!) - but looking at whether to switch and do 7 nights Universal at first so we’re stateside to book… International guests often stay for longer so this policy could bite Disney hard…


I’ve read it this morning, I just don’t believe it. Nothing has changed since 2022 legislation wise. They clearly just don’t want to offer it to us.


I’m kinda “known” for being a “Disney Refugee” and my now Universal Addiction!! :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve started plenty of debates about how each park operates!! :rofl: :rofl: :shark: :shark: :innocent: :innocent:

I have to be careful not to upset too many people!! :rofl: :rofl: :shark:


Wow! 300 new posts since I last visited. Any new updates today or just mostly discussion?


Hard disagree.


Just discussion.



I was at WDW yesterday and had a terrific interaction with a CM. She gave me a fun button she’d made:

I’m at UOR today and just had a terrific interaction with a TM who replaced my lanyard for free:

There’s good in both places. But the value proposition is far greater at UOR. And Universal doesn’t hate Brits.


I do it too though, lol!

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This is a great point which I hadn’t contemplated in my reply. Tagging @maurine08 because your plan above is better than my suggestion.


i just saw this and it made my day. I loved the old FPP system and we had it down to an art. Genie plus with BG1 was doable, but I hated that we were only limited to getting an attraction once per day. Any word if you will be able to book something like ToT multiple times if times are available or will you still be limited to only getting it once then having to stand in the standby line?



only once


I bit late in my answer but you made my day with your positive attitude. I’m a travel agent and I’m really worried about how all this changes will affect my already booked customers that are not staying on property.
Good to know Liners have someone looking after them as you all do! @joelbruick may be our savior too once again!
Have a magical day!


Do you plan on being there at park open? I think it could be a possibility. Pre-booked LL distribution wont be linear like it is now. Some people will take the first 3 park slots and others will spread them out. and since you can tap and book now, there is not a huge disadvantage to having 1 or 2 of your pre-booked selections later in the evening.

I just knew you’d save the day!! :wink: Although, in all seriousness. For international travelers- being in the US 4 days prior to a trip puts you ahead of the pack of offsite visitors (if they are indeed staying onsite). 4 days is definitely enough to have a decent UOR visit! :smiley:

And it doesn’t even have to be Remy. It can be SE or Nemo. I think. No tiers day of makes me think that as long as you tap one of your LLs, you can book whatever you want after that.

This will be interesting to see how it plays out. I for one would rather my pre-booked Tier 1 later in the afternoon with at least 1 harder to get Tier 2 booked earlier. And and easy peasy as my first use LL.

Many of us would really like this friend.

But have you actually tried this? I would think going hardcore at UOR for 3 or 4 days would beget a very laid back Disney experience. No need to do it all- mainly because you’re now exhausted, lol.

This is a VERY important question. I don’t think Disney will publish this. I think it has to be tested. I am not a RDer (normally). So letting them expire to grab a second and third tier 1 will be key to a decent afternoon plan.

As a hunch, I don’t think the pre booked will be overlapping (possibly day of? will have to wait and see). And if they are upfront I think Disney will close the loophole so that the scenario I’m talking about just above is abused by grabbing 2 Tier one rides within the first 10-20 mins of park open.

And spending a longer trip there.

Was there ever a time when you could buy it upfront and have it delivered to the resort?

Huh. Interesting. Can they buy express pass at UOR?

But maybe something somewhere else has… Playing devil’s advocate. I don’t think it is an issue. Maybe shipping the band out of the country. But purchasing a product? Doesn’t sound right.

I actually love your enthusiasm and enjoy reading about all the things UOR. There is much less discussion here about that resort.