Pre book LL’s starting July 24

I may switch teams for this.


I wonder… If you are a US resident and happen to be out of the country for the week before your Disney holiday, you can’t access to pre selections?? :thinking:


I’m expect you’re fine in Canada from the start, since the existing international limitation is only if you were outside of the US or Canada for LL and ILL bookings.

For those of us outside of the US and Canada, I’m sure they’ll sort it out even if we’re an oversight to start. If transatlantic guests are subject to that limitation that really would hurt their bookings.


Ooh interesting! If they’re using GPS then it wouldn’t matter that you were a US resident and you probably would be locked out.




This is true…now that ressies were gone for date based tickets it would have been nice to change days if needed due to weather or something. Now plans are more concrete and not easily movable. However at least its closer to the trip day and not 60 days so plans dont have to be set until right before. I can get an idea of weather and stuff before we make selections.


It was always a false rumor from Inside the Magic - the worst clickbait around.

Just come on over anyway. My “theme park life” has been so stress free for the last 2+ years!! :rofl: :rofl: :innocent: :innocent: :shark: :shark:

(I’ve been told I need an emjoi for when I’m sarcastic or snarky. These are my Snark Sharks!! :rofl:)


When all the DAS fallout happened, I was concerned how that would impact me since G+ had some caveats that would not work for me. If there are indeed no expirations for timing and you can totally schedule exact times, this seems like a better solution. I typically don’t ride many rides. Not being able to re-ride some favorites without standby is still annoying since there are so few rides I can ride. It’s less bleak than it was, though, which is good.


I think this was a part of Disney’s focus- to make a compromise between the perceived negetives of the FPP system and Genie+ while still bring some sort of absolute value since they are charging for it.
The biggest gripe was I’m paying for an inferior (to many) product. Disney isn’t actually interested in making our touring through the parks the most efficient it can be. It’s making a product that has enough value that people are willing to pay for it over and over.


I feel like most Brits are one time visitors who wouldn’t know any better. I don’t see it having an impact on them.


Me too!! Without the tiers it’s our ideal morning and no need to rope drop. AK first park here we come!!


I mean you will never make everyone happy right. Middle ground and all.


I know, lol. But what is seen can not be unseen.

My nephews are getting older and with the addition of Epic to US I think my sister will be migrating to more of US with a touch of Disney. So I am also thinking 2025 and on will be more US focused. For the record, I really liked US the 2 times we went. And when they have 3 parks I will feel there is enough to do. We rarely have a car anymore so Disney has provided enough to fill a vacation worth of time.
Now that flying is reasonable, I do think I will give US more of my time. My Disney AP expires in November and I don’t plan to renew. I will probably be going back to a once a year or every other year WDW plan. I would like to broaden our travels. DH has just recently (since Covid) been ok with flying. So there is literally a whole new world of possibilities.


Yeah those changes will work well for dd24 who probably won’t qualify for DAS anymore.


True. It never worked for us with LLs when I tried to book on arrival day before we left. Although I did try every time just in case.

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How do you go about doing that - “calling them out” ?


No comment…People dont seem to like my negative spin here so I will refrain from commenting any further

I will sit in silence and be unhappy about the changes!


They already have three parks! UOR calls Volcano Bay a water “theme” park! :rofl: :rofl: :shark: :shark: :innocent:

I admit VB is my favorite of the parks there! I used to mock the use of “theme park” for it, but now I agree. However, even I still say UOR only has two theme parks!!


I generally dont go to water parks. If I’m there, I’m lounging in the shade or in a lazy river. I haven’t visited a WDW water park in over 12 years. And that was my only visit.

It was only a $100 upgrade to my AP. It pays for it self on the second visit. I love the slides & rides, I but will sit in the shade drinking the BEST cocktails until I start napping!

This is my upgraded version of sitting by the hotel pool / pool hopping. Much nicer!!