Pre book LL’s starting July 24

There’s only 4 Tier 1’s at HS, so it’s hard to do a comparison when things get exaggerated.


TOT is a Tier 1 ride (not in the new system), I mean its one of the most popular rides there

Wow. Close to 650 posts in less than 20 hours. Is this a new record for most activity in such a short period of time? :grinning:


You can keep saying this, but it doesn’t make it true. Only MK even has five Tier 1 rides.

And it’s not like all of the tier 2 are walk-ons that are completely worthless for LLs. Sticking with the MK for now, tier 2 has at least four rides that see significant waits (HM, Pooh, Pirates, and Buzz).

Epcot was already arguably a waste of G+ with Remy/Frozen going quickly. You had to count on drops to get both, which is very likely still the case.

You may very well be right about HS no longer having the easy afternoon stack. That’s disappointing for those of us who took advantage of that, but I’m guessing we’re in the minority. That said, TSM and ToT are very strong tier 2 options.

And AK seems to be a net positive as you said.


Disney announced this change on a Tuesday, which can only mean that they think it’s an amazing idea and will be well received by guests. The G+ page and CMs in park would say that the average guest could expect to get 3 rides per day with G+. With this change, they are guaranteeing that if you purchase the product you will get 3 rides. Those of us that frequent this forum are not “average” by any measurement. We will figure out a way to maximize our value of purchasing LL’s.


I think that does not make sense, because I can be in the States days before my Disney vacation, even if I live in Spain. Apparently, once I’m in the States, I can make my reservations (7 days in advance). Or someone with my MDE account (a travel agent for example) could make them. That’s bad because my agent is in México…


Yes I think that’s correct, you just have to be physically in the US. US travel agents can’t work with people in the UK unless they have a US address as well. So a travel agent won’t work for most people.


Cant everyone on the reservation through friends and family make plans and order bands? I’m always the lead so I have no idea.


I’m always the lead too.


I didn’t know US agents can’t work with UK clients, I don’t understand the reason for that, I suppose it’s something to do with the company that runs Disney holidays in the UK.


All this feuding is making me sad… Plus, I can’t get anyone’s attention about my questions due to the drama…

Any help??

If there’s a separate thread about how it works - let me know! This one seems to have become the thread to talk about how we feel about it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wait, they have LOTR here? I’m all in.


VPN won’t help as (I’ve read) booking is all through the app, which uses GPS to determine your location.


By ANY measure :joy::joy::crazy_face:


For sooo many years this was a rumored upcoming Universal offering!! :rofl:

I think ITM started the rumor & it took off from there! :rofl: :rofl:


There are virtual queues for Guardians, Tron and Tiana. I can’t answer the others.


It was fine when it was free. Any rides you can skip a line for free are a plus. This is not acceptable when paying.

No change to VQ.

“Tap and grab.”

No change here.

The sky is falling. :wink:


It seems so. But you could also join the 1pm.
It says as soon as you tap. Unless they further clarify or add rules there should be no wait.
I haven’t heard any announcements.


Thanks!! I’m fine with all of it except the 7am VQ.

I know this is going to be a “hot take”, but I’d rather have to pay $$$ in advance or once I get in the park to buy it than try to win a lottery at 7am in my hotel.

To be clear - I don’t want VQs or ILL at all. Put them in the tiers and be done with it. It’s just another way to nickel & dime the guest.