Pre book LL’s starting July 24

It’s definitely worse than the “current” system for (a) guests who don’t rope drop and (b) guests who understood the LL system. It is especially bad for guests who plan to arrive at the parks in the afternoon or evening.

It’s better than the “current” system for guests who don’t understand the system or don’t want to take the time learn. They just get up one morning and book 3 LL per day (including one top tier attraction).

I need to think about this a bit more, but my initial thought is for guests who rope drop, this new system might be about the same.


Wait, really? That’s a game changer.


I will admit a couple of things and then stay out of the fray (hopefully).

I never had experience with FFP+, we were supposed to for our trip in June 2020 so I started to read up on it and then the world closed down. There may have been some sort of FP in 1996 with paper but maybe not (my memory might be for Six Flags or something) but I really have no memory of that.

Except for a day at DL in 2022 we have not purchased G+ because we qualified for DAS and regardless of $$ DAS was easier to use and fir our style better. I’ve said more than once I would pay for a system like DAS - which is one selection at a time, but doesn’t expire. Once you use it you get your next one. No stacking. But you could ride any ride over and over. Oh and DAS in MDE is so much better than when it was in June 2021 and we had to go to each ride get a return time in person. I truly don’t remember how many times we crisscross HS that trip - we would have been so done for without ECVs.

For our December trip I fully expected we would have to get G+ so I’ve been following. Now that is of course not valid anymore.

I’m cautiously optimistic about this new system with lots of questions and looking forward to all the people @Flavita mentioned figuring things out as liners do.

I send :people_hugging: :people_hugging: :people_hugging: for anyone getting caught in the middle of this on upcoming trip, before the hive mind has figured things out.



Also, I will continue to shout from the rooftops that paying to get something is fundamentally different from getting something for free. If it’s free, it’s not the same product. There is always some way in which the product becomes devalued by making it free. In the case of Fastpass, making it free meant availability is lower.

Liners will always find ways to maximize the value of a thing, including free FP+, to perhaps rival the value of the paid thing. But we’re at a higher baseline now, which is an advantage to the average guest who chooses to pay for the product.


But no. The worst parts of FPP was tiers and being locked into times.
I like day of. I love 7AM - if you’re rope dropping you’re up by then anyway.

And rolling three day? Will that mean on a 10 day trip you are ordering rides three days every day for three days later? Again - locked in. At least with G+ you can change your mind morning of.


I don’t see how you could hold more than 3 in a use one / get one regime … unless they introduce a 2-hour rule of sorts.

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The example screenshot Disney shared uses $27 for a MK multi-pass, which is essentially what it is now. Presumably the other starting parks will still be cheaper, but maybe not as cheap as current one-park G+.


I love the genie + and it did allow us to sleep in more often them we did with FPP. I will miss the stacking. My trip is the end of augist so there is a little time to figure things out. I do wish i knew this before i made all my ADRs last week.


Assuming you can go back to sleep after waking up at 7 AM


Couldn’t you expire, book and modify expired (RSing)?


I dont like the tiers they picked…like soarin is tier 1? Ugh


How would this work if you can’t book your next (fourth) LL until you’ve used the first of your prebooked ones?


:partying_face: :partying_face:

This brings up a good question. Will these new LLs be a window of time like ILLs or will it be a return after time? hmmm.

We will have to see if this is still a thing though. Because if they don’t expire… :point_up_2:


I’m seeing the opposite


With RSing, expiring a LL allowed you to book again.


Yes. This was a huge disadvantage for guests with short stays with the original FP+ system. SDD and FOP often weren’t available until Day 4 or 5.


Ah I missed that you were saying to let those two prebooked ones expire. My bad!


Yeah, that’s weird. I’ve seen both.


I don’t really have an opinion on the changes, since I probably will barely use it for myself. I just want to state publicly for the record that most of the people in this thread deserve to be chained up in the utilidor dungeon, and not even in a good way.


Will making it paid increase availability enough that these attractions will have availability longer?

(I think we’ll have to wait and see – Genie+ did not have this situation.)