Post Trip Personality

I’m back now.

Solidarity with the avatar-less, then I couldn’t find the pic again…


I never do laundry on holiday so at most I come back with 2 or 3 clean things (we go for 2 weeks and I change clothes on our afternoon break, DS usually doesn’t). My cases go in the kitchen (in the UK washers and dryers are usually in the kitchen) and stay there until everything has been washed. Souvenirs are taken out straight away. Toiletries usually stay in the case until it goes up in the loft. I’m slightly embarrassed to say that my cases from last July didn’t go in the loft till this June :joy: but that’s because we had a spare room. Usually we don’t and they go up within 2 weeks at most.


Oof some of y’all are overachievers :rofl:

I normally don’t get home til sometime in the later evening hours so I just get out the must have items and shower. Laundry generally waits til the weekend. Toiletries never even get removed until it’s time to refill and repack. Most of my “every trip” or Disney specific items stay in the bag til next time.


We almost never unpack in a hotel. We live out of the suitcase and then jam all the dirties in at the end.


Me neither!


I find it crazy that people would rather do laundry while on vacation rather than pay for an extra bag. To each their own, but that baggage fee would be worth it for me!


When you have in-unit laundry, you toss the load in in the morning, toss it into the dryer when you get back, and it’s done

Or, before I had that, I would do it in the early morning while my family slept on (I rise early). I’d enjoy my coffee and a stroll while it washed, flip it to the dryer, begin rousing the troops, and collect it just before we left for the day

It really takes next to no effort. Believe me, if it did I wouldn’t be doing it.


My husband did ours on a pool day - and the units were at the quiet pool anyway. The thing I like about the laundry with multiple units is that you can wash and dry a bunch of loads at once.


My husband unpacks his stuff. Mine and the kids stay in the suitcase and we craft a spot in the room for throwing all of the dirty clothes.


I love to unpack at a hotel! DD20 and I just did two nights at Grand Cal but we had to switch rooms because we’d booked different categories. I did not unpack. :frowning: It was the right call because we were in each room for such a short time, but it felt wrong.


We use collapsible laundry bins


I’m an unpacker 99% of the time


Some of us do neither! I go carry-on only (flight benefits so flying stand-by - not conducive to checking bags). But I also don’t do laundry. I’ve gone on 8-9 night trips carry-on only and had enough clothes to keep me going. Much easier in the warm seasons to do that!


In unit laundry would possibly change my thoughts on this, but my comment was primarily aimed towards the people who go for two weeks in a carryon or backpack only and wash their only extra pair of underwear in the sink every few days.



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But not in surface-of-the-sun Florida when I’m sweating my nuts off within 5 mins of walking outdoors.

Since I’m a sweaty Betty and I prefer not to smell like the unwashed masses, I change clothes often and launder things too.


Follow me for more tips and tricks.

I also sometimes bring a clothing rack to dry things on that assembles in 3 minutes and fits in my luggage.


My last stay at Pop! I knew I would be changing rooms after the first night, so I told myself I could not unpack…I was dumping my bag at bell services the next morning. It had to fight myself the whole night to not unpack (I was barely in the room at all).


I did this when I went to Africa. My entire 10 days wardrobe and necessities in one carryon backpack.

I did bring extra undies though :wink: and sent my stuff to be laundered twice.


Stick with my crew! They will not allow you back to the room to change, so you’ll be good with one outfit per day! :joy: jk I do bring extra stuff for clothing changes!