Post Trip Personality

I noticed a lot of Liners taking trips lately and was just curious…how do you handle the post trip “business.” Do you unpack and put away asap, or just set stuff aside for later? Do you try and organize or deal with pictures right away?
Personally, I am on the unpack and put away asap side. I also start organizing pics on the drive home, place a print order and get them scrapbooked as soon as life allows. My dh on the other hand…we play this game where his bag of toiletries sits on the bathroom counter, me thinking he will eventually get the hint and put them away and him wondering why I am so cranky after a trip. :roll_eyes:


I rarely unpack on day of return. Just grab out the couple things that need to return to daily life.

I generally get unpacked within 48 hours, maybe 72 depending on my work schedule or if there is other things on my schedule.

Toiletries get refilled as needed, and then live in my suitcase until next time. I have full size for home use


No matter how long the trip or how late I return, I always unpack first thing and put everything in its place. If I don’t do it then I know it will take much longer and there will just be a mess.

Photos get uploaded, organized, and put into a slideshow over the 2-3 months following the trip.


I typically have everything washed and unpacked in 24 hours if there is a weekend involved. Usually though I roll in on a late flight and go to work the next day. In that scenario it sits until I get the energy to deal with it.


I’m still unpacking….


If I don’t unpack by the Monday after my trip (i.e. return to work) then I may find things from my trip in my suitcase 3 months later.


I’m the same, that’s why 48-72 hours is my goal. Better to get to sleep, since there’s usually only about 6 hours between arriving home and needing to be out the door for work


I unpack as soon as we walk in the door. I do usually procrastinate a bit with uploading and printing photos though!


Ugh. So many organized people. I have not unpacked and probably won’t for awhile.


Same. My suitcases are open in my kitchen/living room area and I’ve pulled out the things I need from them :rofl:

I still had items in a suitcase from January that I unpacked/repacked before this most recent trip. Granted they were mostly trip related items that generally can just live in a suitcase, but it probably took me a month or two to unpack the rest of the stuff last time


I pretty much unpack between walking in the house and going to bed. Usually closer to entering the house as I must putter around a bit.

But - photos are supposed to be dealt with?

They’re apt to wait until Christmas is next week and my plan was to give everyone photo gifts. So then I spend an amazing amount of hours equally cursing my internet and shutterfly’s clunky-ness. :upside_down_face::dizzy_face::confounded:


Wow, I unpacked most of my stuff Friday night when we got home, finished the rest on Saturday and washed 4 loads of clothes on Saturday (mine and Tim’s from Africa)….all while feeling fairly crappy from stupid covid. :rofl:


I’m an unpack immediately person! I also bring a journal and small printer with me on vacation to scrapbook as we go. Then I’ll add all the photos to a digital album on the flight or drive home.

I also start thinking/planning the next trip on the way home too :wink:


This is definitely me. But it is not always just the trip-only things. As I sort through that stay I am often saying to myself - oh, there’s that t-shirt/hat/wrap (fill in the blank).

The one thing I definitely do is get my dirty laundry to the laundry room. I have a “dirty laundry” packing cube or laundry bag. And just chuck it into the laundry room.


We typically return home late at night. My answer would be a little different if we returned home earlier in the evening or in the daytime.

For me, I only prefer to unpack the essentials when we get home: medications, toiletries, that kind of thing. I do huck the dirty clothes down the stairs; these are easy to find as there is precious little of them and they are sequestered from the clean things being the vacation laundress that I am.

My intent is always to unpack the rest the next day. However, I will attest to the suitcase sitting in the dining area day after day, typically being finally blessedly managed over the next weekend.

My husband on the other hand? He wants to unpack it all.

I do my thing and let him have at it if he must. But I am not engaging in that activity right after we walk through the door.


What’s the sense? You’ll be back on an outbound flight within the next couple of weeks, surely.


You know - you’ve just given me a BRILLIANT idea.

I’m going to set up a Shutterfly photobook NOW, and add to it each day of our upcoming trip. I’ll be wanting to give these to my mom and aunt for Christmas, and this will save me a bunch of time. Then I can just tweak and do minor edits, add captions later!


Definitely jealous of those of you with a process for actually dealing with all the photos. Heck, I don’t want to think about how many photopass pics I’ve lost because I forgot to download the before they expired


The thread title totally put this song in my head.

What was the question? :joy:


That’s cool!