Poll Time - Have you had COVID? December Edition

i think every year there’s 2-3 days when my allergies subside and I haven’t caught a cold yet.


Wife and I have tested positive. Very thankful wife showed a fever just in time for us to avoid going to our family Christmas events. Also very thankful we got our nonrefundable WDW trip in just before this happened. Almost certain I got it from work as a few people got it there recently, even though I was as careful as possible there. Cloth masks only do so much. Trying to protect one of our daughters yet that hasn’t felt symptoms til her result comes back. Her room and bathroom are downstairs away from everyone else anyway, so she might have a chance to stay negative if she has made it this far negative. So far, just feel extremely tired with some random aching and cold symptoms. It’s manageable but uncomfortable.

Hope y’all had a great Chrstmas and stay safe out there.


Hope you both get well really soon and your daughter doesn’t catch it.

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Hope you feel better soon.

I have a relative that tested positive 10 days ago. He has isolated in his bedroom. So far no one else in the family has symptoms and they all got tested initially and were negative. The rest of the family has worn masks at home except for eating and sleeping (and hasn’t left the house in order to protect others in case they are asymptomatic and haven’t tested positive yet).

Hopefully your daughter can avoid it too.

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I like the places that word the questions as do you have so and so; that you don’t normally have. I have allergies, nasal congestion, occasional sore throat, normal :crazy_face: Which also makes you question more- do I have it; how will I know. I hope everyone had an uneventful Christmas and didn’t get visits from Covid.


I hope you feel better soon!

:cry:I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better soon!

Well, we received the news that my grandmother is cleared to go back to her regular room on Monday. She survived Covid without symptoms. Thanks goodness.


For those who have had symptoms and lost sense of taste and smell, what’s that like? Did things taste different or just no taste at all? Did it happen all at once, or gradually?

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My DD20 lost her sense of taste and smell. It came on fairly suddenly. No taste at all for several days and then it gradually began coming back. I did not lose my sense of taste or smell, but everything tasted weird. That is also gradually getting better.


I noticed a difference a couple days after other symptoms started. Similar to @Julianne_fki, I didn’t completely lose them, but they were a bit off and diminished. Slowly coming back a week later, but still not right. I try to convince myself I taste things based on my memory of its taste rather than the current reality. For example, I can tell I’m drinking soda from the carbonation but can’t really tell which kind it is.


Ditto. I haven’t been able to hear well in years from congestion, never do I wake up without phlegm in my throat and I always have a light cough and nasal congestion. I’m pretty darn sure I’m allergic to my four dogs but I’m not not having dogs. So I lie every time when they ask about cough, congestion and headaches because I get those regularly. Unless I get a fever or some other worse or strange symptom like loss of smell I don’t know if I’d even know.


I lost just my sense of smell and is only just now starting to come back nearly 6 months later. My husband lost both, but said he could taste, but everything tasted weird like stale coffee. It was also several months for him and only showed up a few weeks after he had COVID. So weird how vastly different everyone seems to respond to this.


Sorry for cross posting. Just realized THIS is the new poll…

Found out today my blood tested positive for antibodies. (Donated last Monday.). Was thinking I likely had it early December after my mild head cold led to loss of taste and smell, and this makes me more inclined to believe it. As I donate Q8 weeks, I should be able to track how long they are sustained (until they do away with testing donations).

I’m so excited to think they will be using my blood to help critically ill patients. 🩸🅰️


Just be careful.

I had a couple of cats (insert Grumpy Get Off My Lawn Cat Lady joke here) growing up with no symptoms of being allergic. Fast forward to after giving birth and I became horribly allergic.

I didn’t have the heart to ask my husband to give up the only pet he ever owned (we don’t speak of the goldfish that was overfed ) so I Zyterc’d the stuffing out of myself and waited. And waited. And waited.

She lived to be 20. And my cat allergies are worse than ever now. I found out towards the end that the more you expose yourself to the allergen, the worse it gets. Just be careful. (btw, I’m actually a dog person. I wouldn’t give up my dogs either if I was allergic to them.)

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I’m donating tomorrow. I was exposed in November, but never developed symptoms and tested negative for covid. It will be interesting to see if I test positive.


My mom has been successful with the shots but hubby says shots are awful and you have to go like twice a week for months and months

I’ve donated 5 (or maybe 6) times in my life. The first two times, things went okay (aside from the discomfort of giving itself). But after that, each time I’ve given, I’ve reacted poorly.

The first “bad” time, I was donating at work and ended up on a cot, often with my head between my knees, for hours afterwards before I could finally tolerate standing up. They suggested I must have been dehydrated.

Next time, I was sure to be well hydrated. Yet, while giving blood, it literally felt like my life was draining away, and I felt like I was going to die for about an hour afterwards. This time they said it might be my body’s way of saying I shouldn’t donate.

But then my wife had almost died a couple days after giving birth to our fifth child, save for the 6 units of blood they transfused to keep her alive. So next opportunity I told myself I needed to figure this out and give blood again. So I tried again. And then had the same kind of reaction. Felt like I was dying. (Weird sensation, really. Not painful, but if you can imagine feeling like your life-force is being drained from you, that’s literally what it felt like!) Took me a few hours to recover again.

At this point, I was told I should NOT attempt to give blood any more.

So, I’m so grateful to those who CAN and DO give blood. My wife is alive today because of such folks!


:scream: Oh @ryan1, you are feeding into my blood phobia!! I am now going to attempt to forget your post so that I can steel myself to give blood in a few weeks.


Oh. Um. Hmm. That wasn’t my intention…but now that you mention it, I can see why it might have that “side effect”. I was merely telling my experience to express how much more I appreciate those who DO give.

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