OBNurseNH's Secret Star Wars Viewing Thread

I didn’t really realise until I read this but I’m not sure of all the names either :joy:


Right? 3 decades in between various releases…I have a better shot remembering why I walked into the kitchen than I do listing every name.


I call my DD6 (first of three girls after our oldest boy) everything BUT her correct name. It drives her nuts. I feel really bad about it.

In contrast:

I have never called a Star Wars movie the wrong name or episode number. Wouldn’t be caught dead doing so.



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If it makes you feel better I knew exactly what you meant with those. I didn’t give it a second thought and had to reread to figure out what was confusing people. I am so far down the geek path I don’t realize it nor do I care haha


Just found this thread today and you are all so my people! I thoroughly enjoyed reading each post and the discussion and debate is awesome. To add a few thoughts:

The Prequels- having been born the year A New Hope was released, I really grew up with the original trilogy. I would have watched A New Hope dozens of times through childhood and again as an adult. When they were remastered, I saw them all in the cinema again. I think that’s why the prequels weren’t immediately enjoyable - I wasn’t comparing like with like, but rather comparing something very new to something I knew so very well. Having recently rewatched the prequels I appreciated them much, much more. I think having also watched The Clone Wars animation series during the lock down helped with this too.

The Sequels - I enjoyed 7, it was solid. I really struggled with 8. I came away thinking “why have they turned Star Wars into a Marvel Superhero movie”. I enjoyed the movie, but it didn’t feel like Star Wars to me. I have to give it another go soon, I think I will be less harsh with it (if I can bring myself to watch it again :joy:). I loved 9 though, it was everything I didn’t know I wanted the last trilogy movie to be and so much more. Cried so many times during it.
Finally - Rogue One is my favourite of them all. So nostalgic, wrapped up the “why was the Death Star so easy to destroy” question, and was just a great movie.
Sorry, bit of a long post, but as I said “you are so my people”. Loved this discussion thread.


I hated 8. Still hate 8. 8 Was so damn bad that I was ready to be done with star wars all together if Disney continued down that path. 9, while not great, had at least redeemed SW enough for me to give Disney another chance.

I had prepared to make this long novel-like post (complete with video support) to explain why 8 is bad and all that but I really didn’t want to piss on everyone who enjoyed 8 (as misguided as you are).

So instead:
Disney’s making a new lightsaber.

oh and if you aren’t a fan of the Prequels, watch the Clone Wars TV show (especially starting at season 3). It really helps the prequels out.


I am genuinely interested - eventually - to hear everyone’s takes on why they like or do not like each of the films. As an emerging fan, I would love to hear more about what I am not considering; I would also love the chance to share what I love or dont.


I love how this experiment for you has seemed to evolve from just a prank to pull on your family to genuine fandom with much more than a surface interest. Most people I know have been into SW since a kid or never into it, so it’s really cool to see this conversion at this point in someone’s life. Well done, Jedi.


Goodness i am so in the midst of this right now.


Not me. I’m way more likely to be able to list the names. And i’m really bad at listing the names.


@OBNurseNH i haven’t read through everything so i’m not sure if this has been covered, but does your husband love star wars? As someone who just, so much, enjoys Star Wars, i would be sooooo pissed at you, as my spouse, if you watched the movies without me. So mad.


Oh I hope it doesn’t backfire like that :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


I was born the same year as you. The Empire Strikes Back is still my favorite movie of all time. My kids (12 and 8) can barely sit still for most of these, but they couldn’t take their eyes off of TESB. A New Hope and Return of the Jedi hold a special place in my heart as well, but they just don’t pack the same punch as Empire. I also agree that Rogue One is fantastic (my 2nd favorite).

I don’t hate The Last Jedi in and of itself, but it’s so out of place with the rest of the saga. Props to RJ for trying something completely different, I suppose, but the whole thing went from safe, very Star Wars-esqe (episode 7, which felt so much like episode 4, still very entertaining) to bananas (episode 8) to safe again (9). In a way, I hate Episode 8 and I still do hate some of the concepts and one specific side quest, but I do appreciate the effort to try something new. It just didn’t work for me.

I probably put the sequels about even with the prequels, but at least the prequels had a plan and they worked their way to it (despite that plan, Attack of the Clones is my least favorite out of all 11 because it’s just stupid - I also have problems with the Phantom Menace (who doesn’t?), but at least behind the bad stuff, there was a reasonable plot there and I will defend it from over-criticism). It seemed the sequels were making things up as they went along. They really should have discussed what they were going to do with this trilogy instead of rushing into it.


Episode 7 is effectively a remaking of ANH. So, while I loved it when I was watching it the first time, I realized afterwards that the reason it felt SO true to Star Wars is, well…because it wasn’t the least bit original compared to ANH.



He does love it. But I am watching in secret to surprise all of them with knowing what they know I don’t know.

I guess I never thought about that… oops


This is very much the reason I like 8. It was still very much Star Wars, but it definitely made folks uncomfortable by trying to expand the universe. Ultimately, after 9 we are left with what we had before. I thought 7 and 9 contained it too much which I think hurts the future of the Star Wars universe.

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ok, I’m glad someone FINALLY addressed this.

Cause really, you essentially robbed them of watching someone, that they’ve been trying to make like this stuff for YEARS, take their first steps into a larger world… and then to “leak” the information through forced one-liners would make me even more disappointed.

On the other hand though, without an audience, it probably was easier to become a fan. I often immediately reject things on principal if i have someone going “didja see that? Didja see it? Didja like it?” constantly


And if that was a possibility, why wouldn’t anyone have mentioned it?! Jeez.

I can’t imagine it turning out that way but gosh I wish someone would have said so before now.


I’m sure if his priority was watching with you, he would have made that known. At least you will have all future Star Wars movies to enjoy together! :wink: