New feature for subscribers and Liners

This to me sounds identical to what people were afraid of happening.


Is there a way to petition into the lounge? I’m at 1941 posts on the old chat, I’ve been to Liner meets, posted wait times, pretty much live-lined my last trip. It’s unfortunate and disheartening to feel like I’m not “cool enough” to join my friends over there.

^ isn’t this what we were afraid was going to happen? Not cool

Well, I’m annoyed by this plan of separating forum members by Lines Chat activity.

I’ve been a subscriber since 2/21/06 and a Lines user virtually from the first time the app went live. I’ve submitted over 500 wait times during my various WDW visits. I stuck with Lines Chat after the schism that resulted from the removal of the “Other” Chat Forum.

But apparently my 8+ years of loyalty don’t really matter. And apparently the reason is because I’ve “only” done 743 chats. I guess I should’ve been posting my daily countdown to my next trip, or asking what everybody’s favorite Disney character is, or posting “LOL!” even when I’m not actually, you know, L’ing OL.* :wink:

Because if I’d known when I started chatting on Lines in summer 2011 that at some point they’d move us to a different forum and segregate us there by the number of chats we had, I would’ve been padding my numbers to insure I avoided being excluded.

Which brings me to the larger issue. I think it’s ridiculous to shut away parts of these forums unless you’ve reached some arbitrary level of activity deemed sufficient by the admins. We all pay the same price for Lines, and we all have a vested interest in this community and a love of Disney. This is so regardless of how often we may have actually made a post. All forums should be open to all. And I’d be saying that even if I were not “outside the velvet rope,” so to speak.

If you want to divide the Lines community even further, just keep doing what you’re doing.

*–The above comment is not intended to be a swipe at Steve and his awesome countdown or any of the good people who posted things like that. To each his own. I just don’t think it’s fair to hold it against those of us who chose not to post that way.



A little help, please I have enough chats to be trust level 2, whatever that means but I can’t find the subscriber section… link please?

Very well said @bevans988. Hopefully staff will take our opinions into consideration. We have all helped make lines what is today, if it was by our subscription or our advice. We should all be treated the same

I find this whole idea discriminating and insulting. I have only been on chat for just over 6 months but visit every day. Rarely post and do not understand a system which would encourage quantity over quality - how does this improve situation at all. I have been willing to give forum a go, but not if going to segregate!

This is just what we needed! It’s about time everyone knew their rank and place in the community. Is there also a rule where Level 1s cannot address Level 3s directly? I would push for that as well. Maybe we can even start being able rate other users on a scale of 1-5 MeowMeowBeenz. Your MeowMeowBeenz average will allow you to talk only to users with similar MeowMeowBeenz ratings. #Community


Ohhh what color are the MeowMeowBeenz? Are they glittery? Do they glow?

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Why over 2000 posts? I’ve just got over 1000 on the app so do I qualify for level 2? How do you know, is there a notification?

I rate this post 5 MeowMeowBeanz! I’m going to miss Community on NBC. :crying_cat_face:

@Pclehman I just took “leader” off my own name. Didn’t realize it would be noxious, but I see that it is. I think Len & the crew will work this out nicely, and I agree with you. They made an unfortunate & premature decision, while trying to accommodate the “chatty liners” desire to commiserate.

I do think an additional “subscribers-only” section is a good thing, but to “rank” subscribers who all pay the same isn’t right. “You subscribe, you’re in” is how it should work.


Where do we find the subscriber forum?

Very well said @bevans988!

You may have to log out and then back in to see it.

I’m getting confused so apologies. There are 3 forums? Regular for everyone (public) and subscribers which is if we subscribe to TP which I do since I think 2011 or 2012. Then a lounge which is based on chat counts? Is that based on chat counts here or in old chat?

Hey @ejj, I wasn’t pointing you out specifically in regards to the “Leader” item, if you were given that you should wear that badge with pride. I was more or less wondering WHY they were even needed. “With great Power comes great responsibilities” :slight_smile:

This is my first comment on the new forum, let alone the lounge. Seems to me that the exclusionary levels of the number of posts is an AWFUL idea. If everyone calls this a liner community I don’t think that part of the community should be gated.

Unrelated to the lounge but can anyone log on to this forum and read all of the messages? Basically is the benefit of membership on the forum just the ability to post? If so I feel like I’ve overpaid for my membership because all of the information from other Liners that I used to only get through chat is now available for everyone else including non-subscribers. Thanks for comments.

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