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There are British vloggers we watch that call them “trainers”.


First time I ever heard them called sneakers in any casual sense was when I started going to college (University of Michigan). We had a writing class with a bunch of people from around the country, and one guy from New York City mentioned how irritating it was that we called sneakers “tennis shoes”. :slight_smile:

Ha well I don’t find it irritating— just never knew!

@AllmadhereUK called them trainers today. :heart:
My family in Canada call them runners.
Here they are sneakers.

When I was a kid tennis shoes meant Keds style. But I don’t hear the word Keds anymore. Now I hear Converse and Vans and other brand names kids would never have been able to afford when I was a kid.

It would be a cool way to use R2 units. As we know from ROTJ, R2D2 is quite good at serving drinks (unless 3PO is around).


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You really do need to lay off the coffee:grinning:

Actually, I only drink decaf :innocent:

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The best ones I have heard are GRINDERS and CUBANS. It was in the mid 70’s we were in New England and my father walked out of the deli/pizza shop and told my mother they don’t sell Hoagies. She had lived in the area when she was young and sent him back for grinders. I had a hard time eating it thinking it was going to make my teeth grind, I was about 4 or 5.

Yes they are trainers in the UK, never called anything else here as far as I’m aware.

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That sounds more like what you put a child in when they are just learning to use the toilet. :smile:

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Do you get all the options with Decaf as you would with caffeinated? DH avoids foo-foo coffee because he prefers decaf…

I have been nursing and/or pregnant for the last 8 years, so I always do decaf. I don’t do Starbucks, I’m a Dunkin’ girl, but yes, you can get whatever you want in a decaf :slight_smile:

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Oh I remember that season! :heart:
I’m also a Dunkin fan. My family keeps me covered with gift cards. Helps me justify the treats needed to mobilize me all winter.
Good to know about the decaf option!!!

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All the ones I want :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That sounds old-fashioned to me. Though I don’t think anyone here really says “sneakers”. I don’t know what people say.

“Pop” is used as a word in the UK, but it’s quite old-fashioned. And tends to be used more by parents talking to young children. No-one says “soda” here. You’d usually just refer to the drink by name. The generic term I guess would be “fizzy drink”.

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Unfortunately (fortunately for my budget though!), the nearest Dunkin’ is at least 30 minutes away. I only get it a couple times a year now. I went to school in Boston where 9 out of 10 people on the streets have a cup in their hand at any given hour. It was a twice daily treat for me back then!!

Everything is Coke here. I used to work at a movie theater when I was in high school. When someone would order a drink, they would order a coke. When I first started, I would go ahead and pour the coke. I learned that if they ordered something else to go ahead and get that first, then when I was getting ready to fill the cup ask what they wanted to drink. It resulted in less pouring out the drink that I just filled to get something else. It might make me look as though I didn’t remember, but it made less work and I got through my lines faster that way.

If they just ordered a Coke, I would ask what kind right off the bat.

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They say trainers.

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I have recently had cause to call your judgement into question on a number of issues, so I’m not convinced that the cool kids are still using the word “trainers”.

I will ask some.

All the British vloggers my wife watches call them trainers. I have never heard them called anything else by a Brit. What do you call them?