Massive crisis — In park testimony required

It’s not really a matter of taste to be judged but ok. I can say that both my 25 and 15 year olds both call them trainers, as do their friends. Unless they are referring to a specific kind - they would say ‘I need new Converse’ if that’s the brand they wanted.

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According to the barista I spoke with the other day, the cold brew at starbucks is not available in decaf, which is a shame because the pumpkin cream cold brew looked good.

On the coke/pop/soda differences, we call it coke (Long Island, NY), and when we go to a restaurant that serves pepsi, if we ask for coke, they confirm that pepsi is ok. because it’s not. ok, that is. If it’s not the coca cola brand of soda, I pass.

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You are not old enough to have a 25 year old, so already we know you’re lying.

I checked with a young person. He said he’d call them shoes. Or would refer to them by brand. “I just bought some new Nikes.”

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They’re not shoes, so you need a second opinion. And I am old enough.


When you ask for Coke in the UK they always ask if Pepsi is ok, if that’s what they’re serving. But coke is only Coca Cola, not any fizzy drink.

Yep. I grew up in CT and ate grinders, drank sodas, and wore sneakers…

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Nice try. I’ve seen photos of you. You’re like 36. I know you come from Manchester, but even for Mancunians, having a kid at 11 is, er, unusual.


!!! This is a friggin catastrophe! A calamity. How can this be. The 2019 Epcot bean incident!

I’m not sure whether to be offended or flattered :joy:


The most efficient thing to do is be both. You know. Two birds and all.


That’s how it’s done. Preferably fresh ground

I like my coffee like I like my men too - Strong and bitter.


I’m very disappointed if they don’t have some goofy name that makes no sense to me. I’m thinking maybe something like Cobbywhompers.

The best default response to @sanstitre_has_left_the_building is offense. He’s usually insulting, but since he’s British it comes across as charming to everyone else.


But she’s British so isn’t that a double, er, triple negative?

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Harry Potter calls them trainers. I’ve heard Ed Sheeran refer to them as trainers.

Growing up, for us they were “gym shoes” because you had to have certain shoes for gym class.



Yes, so she knew it was an insult, but she is culturally bound to give him a polite nod and offer him a cuppa.


Well I’m British, so it has no effect on me.


You have a good point. I probably should have offered him tea.


Did I use that word correctly? It was my first time.