Marvel Cinematic Universe

Jude Law - he does a bit in The Holiday called Mr. Napkin Head :purple_heart:


We all bring our own history to what we watch so my take on Captain Marvel is maybe only my own. When I was a kid toys definitely were gender specific. Tho I constantly asked for vehicles to grub about in the dirt, I got dolls. The messages weren’t always subliminal but they were consistent : you can’t. Black Widow being able to hold her own amongst the guys is to me feminist - but not in a bad way. Carol Danvers breaking out is more individual specific, personal. FINALLY she can do what she’s been striving for her whole life.
And yes, that suit is awesome tho I did like a different choice better. :sunglasses:

I have noticed that the younger folk I know are more invested in other characters (Shuri, for one) Thank Stan or Kevin or somebody for providing a Universe with a little something for everyone. Except maybe DH. :wink:
He’s pretty much immune to all if it, HP, LotR, Star Wars, MCU . . .


Thank you!

[I’m out of that loop, eh?!]

Again, thank you, MCU, cuz y’all can keep him. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I will say, once again, that I very much WANT to like HP, and I have tried All The Ways to enjoy his stories. But alas, it is just not meant to be.

Now SW was meant as a joke and the fandom was an accident.
Marvel was kind of begrudgingly started but finished with tremendous love.

But Harry will live out there beyond my reaches for eternity.


OK just finished Avengers: End Game

Tissue pack count: 1
Also should really probably change this mask when I get a chance as it’s a bit soggy too.

But Oh My Marvel was that awesome! So much to love about it

and the best part is, I had already decided about halfway or so through that it’s always gonna be Tony Stark for me… and then the end happened and yup, he’s The One.

This was such fantastic story telling. It touched on each character’s vulnerabilities and highlighted their strengths and virtues. The battles were epic but not too long and drawn out and only carried the story along. The humor and romance were there, but the heroes efforts were the - obviously and rightly - main thread and to see that all through to the end was just jaw droppingly good.

When everyone returned and came through the portals in the big battle at the end I got chills.
It was similar to me to when all the Jedi came back at the end of Episode IX. The whole idea of United We Stand brought me to tears (again)

Oh, and I take back what I said about Thor’s beard because he let it go all nasty in this film. But it was nice to see the Cap’s face again

and when he came back late I instantly knew he came back having lived his life, and as an old man. Cue the waterworks again!

I was kind of surprised about the bit between BW and Hawkeye. Way back in an earlier movie I thought maybe they had a thing. But then the Hulk thing seemed to be a thing for her, and Hawkeye has this whole family… But then they were both forced to choose to give up the thing they loved most, which was the other for each of them. Maybe there’s more to their story that I haven’t seen yet, somehow? That whole tragic, poorly-timed love “I love you but I can’t be with you thing” will always destroy me - and it did here too.

I am so ready to get into Avenger’s Campus later today! I loved this whole franchise and I’m so glad I decided to get it done. When I watched the SW films someone ( was it you @Broph1988 ??) mentioned how my DH might be pissed that I watched without him. He wasn’t at all as we covered back then. But it was a lot of fun to watch these mostly with him and bounce it all off each other after each one. I was careful to try not to ask too many questions, and when I did I quickly followed it up with “Don’t answer that” and he was very good about keeping a poker face when it was necessary.

If any readers here or in that other thread of mine are thinking of doing something like this because you haven’t joined the fandom of these two great franchises, DO IT. Do not wait. Do not deprive yourself any longer.


I was so much the ‘I’m not a super hero movies fan’ for the longest time. Marvel totally changed all that for me. The characters are so interesting, the writing is so good - I almost feel like their super hero features are secondary. I tried the DC universe hoping that I would love it just as much - and I don’t. Wonder Woman is the exception (but only the first one, which was AMAZING, but the second one almost undid all the great things in the first movie, I hated the second one that much).

So fast forward from ‘I’m not a super hero movies fan’ to having a Marvel themed basement and sitting here anxiously awaiting the new Spiderman movie tickets to be released. They are just so, so good!!!


Jude Law is actually in the Fantastic Beast films, not the Harry Potter films. But I wouldn’t recommend them to you.

I’m glad you loved Endgame!


This, although I’m not a due-hard SW fan, I have watched them.


I am so intrigued by their backstory.
I was very excited by the idea of a Black Widow and Hawkeye movie, but of course it ended up being just a Black Widow backstory and we’ll find out in less than a week (:partying_face:) what the Hawkeye series will all be about, but based on the trailers I don’t think it’s going to go into the Clint/Nat relationship.
I love their friendship so much. I hope there hasn’t been romance between them and that it’s all just solid friendship.


Me too, I like that there hasn’t been a romance there. In fact, I love that there aren’t a lot of romances in the MCU.


Do you think that there isn’t? Seems like every movie has some kind of coupling story line. :thinking:
Maybe except Captain Marvel and sequels where the pairing is already established.
True, they tend not to be the main focus of any sort (apart from maybe Captain America).


So you think that the thing they love most in the world could be each other without that being romantic?


I love that their friendship is THAT strong.

Don’t get me wrong though. If I was Mrs Hawkeye, I don’t think I would be quite so appreciative of their bond, but the real Mrs Hawkeye is clearly a more confident person than I am! :laughing:


There are, but the stories aren’t built around the romances as much as they could be; a lot are just kind of there. I don’t know how to put it into words.


I know what you mean :+1:t2:


Clint/Nat speculation:

As I understood some discussion in some movie - my apologies for not recalling which movie - Clint was sent to execute Black Widow. This is not in a movie that I know of. It may be back story from the comics.
He wound up not killing her when he could have, apparently due to something he sensed in her. So solid friendship but also maybe a debt of gratitude. This is somewhat alluded to in Avengers, if I have this right, when Nat gets Clint released from Loki’s control.
In at least one movie Nat and Bruce begin to have a romantic beginning but circumstances, Age of Ultron particularly, seem to thwart them.
Nat is close to Steve as well. I really like that we can have friends without needing to get all romantic.


I am sure the Nat and Clint history will be peeled back in the future. They set that up in Black Widow with Florence Pugh. They are biding their time to bring it out when the time is right.


I think there is a LOT of romance, but it’s not the main theme and it’s (mostly - except for Thor and Jane) well done and not overplayed.


Me three.
I don’t think they have had any romantic relationship. I think they have a partner-cop type relationship.

I’ve watched the movies all out of order and I have a terrible memory but in Avengers when Natasha is talking to Loki she eludes to when Clint saved her. That could make her indebted in a deep way.

In Black Widow movie they discuss Budapest, and while neither is credited with saving the other, it seems that they are both alive because of working together.

Laura Barton clearly has a good friendship with Natasha and the farmhouse is one of my favorite scenes in any of the movies.

I see Natasha and Clint as loving each other beyond anything romantic. I also am not sure the soul stone required the thing you loved most, as Thanos said, but the willingness to sacrifice something you loved for another thing. I would guess most of us love our own life more than most anything else, but to be willing to give it up for someone else (and - essentially - putting the whole UNIVERSE back together) more than satisfying the stone. Endgame related.

I also think it is the dumbest thing ever that in Endgame they they couldn’t turn it back the right way to get her back. They clearly COULD have written it that way. There was a lot of actress and artistic choice at play.

Blurring is getting complicated.


I agree. I love the Pepper/Tony romance. He is my favorite male Avenger.

I also like how Steve loves Peggy enough to wait forever for her.

I also love how Gamora and Peter grow.

Just the right amount.