Marvel Cinematic Universe

I did as well. The first one was a little too silly for me and I never really got to like-like Scott.
But I sincerely enjoyed the second one. And my family still teases me about my audible gasp during the end credit scenes. The audience laugh at me.


Just starting Captain Marvel. Already enjoying that “Mr. Napkinhead” is in this one!


I LOVE Captain Marvel!


Funny enough, I had a FB memory pop up just the other day:


I can’t even count how many times I’ve watched Captain Marvel.

when I was young, I was that kid always standing up with attitude. Hands don’t shoot anything tho they’re awfully good at dropping things. :smirk:


I love Ben Mendelsohn in Captain Marvel :heart:
(I know you already love Rogue One, but for me he lifts that movie! Ben and Mads are really my only reason for rewatching it).

Now you can unblur all the flerken chat!! :joy_cat:


Not yet!

End Game in a couple of hours!

THEN I can unblur everything!


Not everything bc you haven’t done WandaVision, FWS and Loki, correct? I’d better go back and label mine bc it referenced those.


I haven’t watched anything but the movies so far. I definitely want to watch Wandavision because I love them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ok en route to airport.

Thoughts on Captain Marvel: LOVED IT!

Girl power!!

Loved it’s throwback setting in time. Took me a little bit to get into it. Like when I watched SW I’m finding it challenging if there is not some other character to whom I am attached from another film. So once they show up I get more invested. But she alone was lovable right from the start and a total badass too.

The post-credit scene was great. And the extra at the super end with the furball was :joy::joy: (I think my old cat, Mr Kitty, May have been at least part if not entirely Flerken).

I had forgotten where I knew the word Kree from but when Mr Napkinhead had that scene with hologram Ronan I was all like ohhhhhhhj and then so sad that Mr Napkinhead was a badguy. I loved being surprised to learn that the Skrulls were NOT badguys

Hit reply before I was done. Oops.

Anyway I really liked this one so much. I think it was an important one as a woman, too. Not just Captain Marvel herself, but all the other strong females throughout. Girls can do anything boys can do, and sometimes (often?) we can do it even better. Rock on, bitchez!


Agree 100%
However, does anyone else think that Gwen Stefani I’m Just A Girl was the wrong song choice after she embraced her power?


That song is meant to be ironic so it was absolutely perfect!


And now… You are in the Endgame.


While I can promise I’ve never said “Girl Power,” I know the reason I like Captain Marvel and Black Widow and Nebula and Shuri and Wasp so much is because they are women. Because I want to be a superhero.

My DD loathes Captain Marvel. She hates how pointed out the This Is A Strong Woman narrative is. She strongly prefers the femme fatale of BW over the feminist shove of CM. It speaks a lot to the years they were produced and released, I think. She thinks if you have to SAY it you reduce the effect. I just love that her suit can change colors.

I also love Fury’s backstory coming through. We’ve waited 20 movies to know him better.

Imagine watching them in theaters though and having to wait half a year between the end of Infinity War end credits to Captain Marvel. It was miserable.


You ARE a superhero :muscle:t3::heart::blue_heart:


Curious what she thought of the Stefani song choice because that basically sums up my problems with it.
That and there are so many other female power ballads from the 90s.

I agree that the song itself is ironic, but it’s placement in the movie is redundant.


I actually love that song there because it is stupidly over the top like Ragnarock and it fits the 80’s.

I think her point is if you have to shove it down my throat it doesn’t taste good. Shuri gets a little like that at times, too, I think. But not as full bore.

I do love Captain Marvel though. Have I mentioned that? LOL. It’s my go to rewatch when I’m doing big cooking or painting a room etc.


Swoon. I love Mr. Napkinhead in everything he does. (Just watched that movie last night for the eleventy-billionth time) P.S. - maybe knowing that Mr. Napkinhead plays young Dumbledore would alleviate your aversion to all things HP?


Wondering how far OP is into Endgame. :grimacing:


Who is napkinhead?