Lion King Dining Package -- Boy, was that worth it!

totally agree…if you can’t afford to tip, don’t go


I have no problem tipping. I’ve worked as a server and you don’t go out if you can’t tip.
I just wasn’t sure if I should the price of the menu items which could be more or less than the $99 or just use the $99 as a base and use that.

Hey @prinipalTinker, Did you do this Tiffin’s Lion King meal yet? I was wondering how it went and if you think it was worth it. We have a 5:30 reservation for this summer with a 3 oclock show time. Just wanted some insight.

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Yes! It was one of the best special events I have ever done!

We checked into Tiffins around 2:20. They gave us lanyards and told us we had to be at the back entrance to FoLK no later than 2:45. When we checked in they escorted us to a reserved front row seat.

As the show was entering one of our safari guides ran over to us and escorted us out. There was an educational specialist and a operations manager. After a bathroom break they walked us to the exit area and we met our safari vehicle there. We had a “behind the magic safari”. They pointed out all the fences, feeding areas, and how the animals let them know when they wanted to return to the barns. After the safari they stayed and answered all of our questions.

My dinner wasn’t until 6:30 so we went to Nomad for a while. At our Tiffins meal we started with a glass of champagne. We were able to order any appetizer, entree, and dessert. We also had a free beer or wine with the meal. The food was great but the service was outstanding!

I can not recommend this enough! I think I was happy that my meal came after the show/safari. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


so bummed it will apparently NOT be offered in October :sob:

Funny, I rarely email wdw after an event but I wrote down names and I thanked them for offering this amazing experience.


Can you email them again and explain they need to continue it? :smiley: I mean you’re an admin on TP Forums…I’m sure they will listen


I did just chat with a CM who seems to think they just haven’t released dates for beyond September for this. I know CMs don’t always have correct answers, but I can hope. ADR day is Monday though

I accept that tipping is a political and cultural phenomenon that Americans seem quite aggressive and even competitive about.

The $99 is for the complete package. Which is more than just the meal. To base the tip on that figure is to floccinaucinihilipilificate* the premium seating and safari.

My bill for just me was $480. I tipped $120 because I like round numbers. So I’m not cheap. I just think the US tipping system is ridiculous.

*That’s the first time in my life I’ve had a legitimate reason to use that word. I’m going to page @ryan1 to the thread as I think he might appreciate its use.

Shrug Too colloquial for me. Besides, why use an overinflated word when a smaller word might suffice?

(That’s code for, “I’ve never heard of the word in my life!”)

I saw a similar report on the Disney Mom’s Panel.

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Thus recognising the inherent floccinaucinihilipilification. :wink:

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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, floccinaucinihilipilification is the longest non-technical word in the English language.

Do you people not have The Guinness Book of Records ?

Quite true.

You are correct, tip for the meal need not be based on a package price. However, the tip should be based on what the meal would cost without any package or discount. So regardless of what someone actually pays, if the menu price of what they eat/drink is more than the package price, that is what should be tipped on.

TLDR: Just because you get a discount does not mean the server should get tipped less.

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And vice versa. If the package costs more than the food would have done, that does not mean the server should get more.

What the server should get, of course, is a proper wage for the job.


Oh, don’t make me come over there and start singing Elsa’s song to you! I have a pretty decent voice, so that’s not the issue. But you’ll never get the song out of your head!



In truth some amazing Liners have departed this forum because of ‘tipping’ threads and are mourned by many, so unless we are discussing ‘Tipping the Velvet’ shall we avoid a rerun of arguments everyone has witnessed previously? Perhaps? Maybe? :slight_smile: