šŸ¦” Last minute trip booked ā€” Now featuring LIVE TRIP REPORT!

Iā€™ve nudged it to 8.40pm, and donā€™t they give you a 15 min grace period? If I leave MK at 8.30pm, Iā€™ll be fine.

I could get to MK by 7.30pm if all goes smoothly. (Yes, Iā€™m thinking about taking a Minnie Van from ASMo.) So an hour to amble up Main Street, drink it all in? Maybe PM? HEA is at 9.20pm, so Iā€™ll be long gone before the crowds get crazy.


You might be able to take a regular Lyft to CR since you have a reservation (for a substantial savings). I dont know if itā€™s 1 hour or 2 hours before though. Youā€™re thinking of burning a whole park ticket to walk around MK for an hour? Or would you be going back to MK after SH71?


Also, go to bed :grin:


That does sound like the sort of thing Iā€™d do.

But, no. The only WDW ticket you can buy in the UK is a 14 day park hopper plus, with MM thrown in, for $679. So thatā€™s what Iā€™ll have for my eight day trip.


Oh! Why did I think you had a 7 day ticket :thinking: Well then, proceed! Sounds like a nice start to the trip :smiley:


Hello dear sir. Im so thrilled to see you back on the threads :smiling_face:

As an (American ex-pat) local resident, I have to respectfully disagree. It sounds like you were mainly cordoned off to the most touristy areas of our city, near the inner center. I assure you there is so much more to Amsterdam and I welcome you back for a real locals tour any time :wink:

Also, so glad you made it to Efteling. We go at least once a year. There are definitely some areas/rides that are Disney quality and better. I recommend it to everyone on the forum!!


Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™ll offer a more nuanced review.

We did only visit the city centre. We were only there for a day. Two of the more impressive buildings were closed off by scaffolding. One of them was tall and probably quite impressive, but you couldnā€™t see any of it.

The canals are pretty, though once youā€™ve seen one, youā€™ve kinda seen them all.

The Anne Frank Museum is superbly well done.

But there were no jaw dropping spaces. No sweeping vistas. No huge squares. No grand civic buildings. There were large numbers of really tacky shops selling idiotic sex things and drugs. It reminded me of Soho in London in the 1970s.

Perhaps the comparison is unfair, but I was hoping for something like London or Paris or New York. I donā€™t mean literally the same. I mean somewhere where you turn a corner and go ā€œwowā€!

The local people were very friendly, and their fluency in multiple languages is shaming to British people. The train service in the Netherlands was outstanding. It was so easy to get where we wanted to go.

I will probably visit Efteling again. I canā€™t think of a reason to visit Amsterdam again. Itā€™s a one-and-done for me.


@drvillarejos posted this in the Memes thread and I feel personally targeted.


You an me both! I was just telling DH that I havenā€™t gotten a person Amazon package in what feels like forever! And Iā€™ve been working so hard lately and been a little stressed. He said go ahead and order yourself something and sent me this :joy:

I shared that one too :wink:


Case in point: I booked and planned an Orlando trip. That took time and effort. So I gave myself a little treat and booked an up-charge event. Which itself required work. Which I rewarded by booking another one.


I like your idea of a little treat!


Yes, agree 100%. Before I moved here it was one of my favorite cities because it was so different from London, New York or Paris which IMHO suffer from their deference to cars. However, I frequent Paris and NYC (also lived there 9 years) for work and always enjoy that dose of Big City Energy. They are all amazing.

Yes. Yes it is outstanding :blush:

Canā€™t fault you there. But Iā€™m always amazed just how many and sprawling they are. There are canals in other cities as well, but nothing compares to here outside of Venice IMO.

We avoid like the plague. Itā€™s basically like Times Square to locals.

True, not as many as other capital cities. But if you find your way back here some time, you can check out Museumplein, Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Stedelijkmussum, Amsterdam Centraal and VondelPark. Also, the best way to see the city is by boat. Except not one of the big tourist boats. Use one of the small cruise companies.


None of the attendees on that day wanted to see the museums and as such I didnā€™t plan it. This was a single day in Amsterdam as part of a 2-week euro trip I planned for my kids that @hufflematt tagged along for the Efteling/Amsterdam part. We flew into AMS due to award space and international routing that worked with a crazy mix of schedules I had to juggle with my kids and DH. (We just got home late last night)

LOL. The rain didnā€™t help.

We did take a canal cruise but the weather screwed up the timing. We should have done the cruise right after Anne Frank and then taken the train out to the tulips.

I am NOT a big city girl, so Amsterdam is never going to be my thing. Iā€™m firmly a euro-road tripper and like to wander small towns and the countryside. :joy:


Youā€™re one of those things. Definitely not the other two.


So Iā€™m a girl? Yes Iā€™m aware of that!!!


News update

I was playing around with dining options, what with the need to spend seven TS and seven QS credits and all, and I made some decisions. Naturally they are controversial.

First, I have switched arrival day dinner from S71 to . . . BOG. Yeah, yeah. I know. But the thing is, they had a late reservation (9.25pm, four hours after my flight is scheduled to land) and all I have to do is get to MK (well, and fight my way upstream to the back of the park before or during HEA, lol). Itā€™s just a simpler option. And they do a filet mignon, which is all I really care about. Plus, itā€™ll be late enough to order something alcoholic to drink. And, when I get out, MK will be empty and that will be fun, and the buses wonā€™t be so crazy for getting back.

Second, I have added a morning at TL. I do kinda want to try it out. I did have a sneaky look for a beachcomber shack, but they didnā€™t have any. So Iā€™m renting an umbrella. Yeah, I know. But itā€™s just nicer, isnā€™t it?


But an extra TS credit. Did you have 1 to spare?


Yes. I created a spare by cancelling 50s PT and replacing it with DB7. I needed to find an extra QS, so that kinda worked out.


Nice! :clap::clap::clap:


Also, DB7 is more my speed than PT 50s.
ETA 50s PT. And the Cinco de Mayo Margaritas havenā€™t even been served yet :joy:

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