šŸ¦” Last minute trip booked ā€” Now featuring LIVE TRIP REPORT!

Yes. This is a thing :grin: VPN- useful for more than just hiding locations though.

I hear the weather is beautiful this time of year.

I recommend this if you like earth science and conservation efforts or if youā€™re really into plants.


But seriously. Itā€™s cheaper to do all of the things in 1 trip rather than book a WHOLE nother trip and split the cost between the 2 (or 3). So you ARE in fact being budget conscious. :wink:


Because he is not typically one who follows up a trip with another trip. :nerd_face:


Oh, this is quite certain. Thereā€™s no doubt of that. But, by cleverly booking an After Party, I can eat my rage after the show. Itā€™s very healthy.

I wouldnā€™t know. I live in New York now.

When I worked at the posh private school in New England that we donā€™t name because you people are creepy and stalkerish and weā€™re not going through that again, faculty could eat in the school dining rooms for free, and they were open from 7am to 7pm and they put on a hell of a spread. We had a phrase: the more you eat, the more you earn. It wasnā€™t my choice to be fat. It was just economics.

Thus here: the more I spend now, the less I need to spend later, when it will be more expensive. Iā€™m saving a huge amount of money here. Iā€™m very much a role model for you people.

This is exactly the point. This is my last trip this year*. There will be no more trips. Itā€™s that simple.

*Academic year. Obviously Iā€™m going again in December. It would be madness not to. Just think of the savings.


Especially now that you have that UOR AP.


Fricken love Pluto.


Technically I thought you lived off the US coast now.


Wait. I thought it was Colorado?!?! That was a quick move.


4 hrs too late, but :fu::laughing:

PS thereā€™s a blur in there thatā€™s gone invisible :roll_eyes:


We will respect your privacy.


News update

Unexpectedly, there has been a certain amount of faffing as the no-plan plan has taken shape during the day. Also a controversial addition:

Wild Africa Trek :white_check_mark:

So the schedule now includes two AK days, featuring the WAT, the rhino thing, the elephant thing, FFF, Satuā€™li, TH dinner, rope-dropping NRJ and riding multiple times, and SB FOP because the line is worth standing in.

I mean, if youā€™re going to do AK properly, you may as well do it properly, right? And I do like animals: isnā€™t that the point of the park?

Then we have one MK day, featuring KTK, FOF parade, dinner at Narcoosseeā€™s, HEA and dessert party afterwards. There will be another MK visit for general wandering around. Obviously People Mover will feature heavily. Maybe I shoot for a Tron BG?

Then an EP day, starting with early entry and Soarinā€™, BTS tour, GOTG ILL, and much general wandering, especially of all the new stuff, also Regal Eagle, and finishing with Luminous.

And an HS day, featuring 50s PT and After Hours.

Two half-days at UOR are pencilled in. That leaves space for TL (I seriously considered renting a Beachcomber Shack) and DS, to feature the balloon thing and the drone show thing.


We will?

Ahem. I meanā€¦

We will! :smirk:


They have the umbrellas that are reserved with towels for $99 if you want a more cost effective alternative. No attendant and no safe.

The plan looks amazing.


This is a great addition!

Some people will. I have agreed to nothing!


I work in a school. I only think in academic years. ā€œThis yearā€ means the 2023-2024 school year. ā€œNext yearā€ means 2024-2025 school year.


This is perfect.


I have a questionmark about TL.

I went to H2O Glow Nights there last year and it was a catastrophe. Iā€™d never been to a Disney water park, but I had been to VB at UOR.

It rained. Hard. All the time. So that you couldnā€™t really see. And, despite being June, this made it cold. And miserable. The lazy river was full of detritus, presumably knocked off trees by the rain.

The music was tacky. There was a DJ. It wasnā€™t magical at all. Or very Disney.

So I barely did anything and left early.

Which means I didnā€™t get a sense as to whether itā€™s a good water park. Is it? How does it compare with VB? Are single riders blocked off any of the attractions (because they require multiple riders)? How long do people stay there? Is it horrifyingly dangerous because of the Florida summer sun?

I have flexible time in my schedule to go there and my UK park tickets include it. But Iā€™m also thinking of doing a QS food tour of Disney Springs.

Advice? Your experiences? Recommendations?


My impression is that it doesnā€™t compare very favorably with VB but I donā€™t know answers to your specific questions. I am curious to try it someday but hope I have a better experience than you did. I know some of the best rides are ā€œfamilyā€ rides and Iā€™m not sure the policy on single riders.


Hopefully someone can immediately tell you more. If not, I will be there before you and can report back. I am not doing crushing gusher so I can tell you if DD is allowed to ride by herself. I will keep an eye out on the other two larger raft rides to see if there are any single riders.

In the meantime, you are a terrible influence. It has been a rough week so I added Behind the Seeds to my trip. Good thing Drawn to Life is not showing on nights I can go, and the Starlight Safari and Dolphin Experience are sold outā€¦


The what now?


Yoiu never hear it talked about. Letā€™s keep it quiet.
