I’m giving up sugar

What we call squares here would be sold as ‘Nanaimo squares’ Nanaimo bar - Wikipedia

They’re delicious but terrible for you.

It was a hard hurdle to get past, but when you can finally not reward yourself with food, it makes a big difference to weight loss. I was able to replace it with buying small things for myself that I would reward myself with after a great day at work or tough workout. I keep the price around $3 so it didn’t get too expensive, but not taking calories as a reward is mega-powerful, and led to parenting wins as well, substituting for them with pokemon card packs or video game time.

Maybe you eat too healthily! I get warnings about keeping to my salt intake.


I doubt that’s it. Believe me! :slight_smile:

But taking a very quick glance, there is a “Show Diary Food Insights” checkbox in the settings that I have unchecked. I’m wondering if that is it? There are other settings, but that one stands out as possibly related.

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@amvanhoose_701479 I have friends from northern British Columbia, who would say that basically any dessert was a square, like the Brits say pudding for dessert. But when I referred to something as square after that initial discussion, they said I was wrong…so then I was super confused? Does a square mean something out of pan? I think it does, but again - they were very serious about the whole topic - so didn’t want to push it. Maybe it’s a regional thing? Maybe western canadians have differing opinions on dessert, like some say supper instead of dinner? Inquiring minds want to know.

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I think you’re right, I’ve never actually looked at the settings before but that one was on.

Hey @sanstitre_has_left_the_building! How is your progress? Mine is better, but not great.

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14 days in — Wednesday weigh-in

I’ve lost five pounds.

British people (of my age) weigh themselves in stones: a stone is 14lb. I am 0.6lb above the psychologically important barrier of dropping down to the next stone.

That being said I am still four pounds heavier than I was at the beginning of my last serious attempt to lose weight in February 2015.

But I am at my lowest weight since I returned from WDW in December 2019 where, thanks to the deluxe DDP, I put on 4lb.


Well done! I was just wondering how it was going for you, as I continue to crave (and eat) sugar.


The secret has been to have sugar in things that I only like a bit so that it takes the edge off. For example I have a low-sugar jam that I put on a cracker and a wash down with loads of water. It kills the craving at very low sugar cost.


Good idea!

Day 30

I have lost 8 pounds.

One of my original motivations was that I didn’t want my lovely new Liverpool clothes to not fit because I was putting on weight. In this regard the diet has backfired. One of the jackets I bought is now too big. I also noticed that one of my t-shirts was blousing. And my belt tongue is sticking through the clasp at least an inch further than before. I’ve definitely dropped a dress size.

For the most part the diet hasn’t been that hard. I’ve still had Five Guys complete with milkshakes. And I had a fantastic cheesecake dessert with a meal the other day.

I’m just not eating Cadbury’s milk chocolate by the tonne any more.


One day I’m going to try the bacon one!!

I always used to say that I don’t actually eat that much regular food. (Except at WDW where the DDP forces you to be greedy.) It was all about the chocolate.

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Same. I haven’t stopped yet.

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That’s fantastic! Congratulations!

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Weight update

I am currently at my lowest weight in seven years and have lost 12 lbs.


That’s great! How are you feeling? I am at my lowest weight in many many years as well, and I feel so much healthier. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Have really only noticed a psychological difference so far, to be honest.

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That’s a healthy difference, too, though! When we went to WDW and UOR this past summer, I was about 28 pounds lighter than our previous trip. I outlasted our DS12 walking all day, and I had zero knee pain that trip. Keep going!


That’s great! I unexpectedly gave up sugar and gluten and it’s been life altering!!! I feel so much better and weight has come off without much effort. At some point I’ll add both back probably once a week but as a treat and not all day every day! so far I’m shocked by how easy it’s been.