Genie+ modifications coming?

yay so now EVERYONE has to wake up early to add it to their accounts.

(where’s my rage graphic?)

Disney Guests: How can we make this worse?
Josh: I got an idea!! Lemme check with Bob first!


This 100%.
The gall of them to tell us they value TA’s while taking away commissions (no matter how small) in the same paragraph is insulting.



Chapek: We hear your concerns. And it isn’t fair that some people have to get up early to buy it and others do not. So we will make it fair. EVERYONE MUST NOW WAKE UP EARLIER ON VACATION THAN THEY DO FOR WORK AT HOME!!!


Nobody better take my BP right now.

My blood is boiling.


How much you want to bet they will also control how many are available for purchase every day leaving some people to not be able to purchase it? They know that it doesn’t work. They know that there are too many daily guests at WDW for this system. It is the logical thing for them to do. It will be Hunger Games Disney Edition every morning.


and just think how responsive and great the app is going to be in those early mornings as you try to Add G+ AND lock in your first ride for the day.

oh joy!!


Also don’t sleep on that “subject to availability” statement.

This will be the new button-masher.


“Subject to availability” says exactly that to me.


Not sure about that one though. You have an angry customer regardless, so why not make sure that $15+tax is made off them?

That’s the Bobby way!


They would absolutely love to stop sharing a piece of their profits with us entirely. But if 90% of my clients had to deal with the constant IT bullsht, the 7 hour waits to talk to a human for DCL, or play fast fingers vs adr hoarders at 545 am so they could get a half decent $30 burger, they would go to hawaii instead. I am the reason these people have a good time and consider coming back. But maybe they dont want them coming back? Maybe they only want guests who drop 5 figures with no expectations and no intention to return either way? I dont think there are enough of those to fill the parks daily…


Scott Gustin also commented on the “Subject to Availability”


They are having too much negative PR right now with the fact that there are too many people accessing G+ to make it work the way its supposed to. They have to do something to alleviate that.

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Step 1. Put it in the trash
Step 2. Put FPP back in place


Or, if it goes on sale at midnight, everyone must stay up until 12:01… :sob:

It’s a good thing I added it to my ticket already…


They don’t need to fill the parks with those kind of guests. They want less people overall, they just want people who pay more per capita.

(And for the record I’m furious myself. Disney pays some of the lowest commission in the industry, and they keep making it harder for me to justify the time it takes to jump through their hoops. I’ve started branching out into other kinds of bookings.)


I would love to meet these apathetic rich people who Disney think exist.

I know of no one with actual money that doesn’t care if they drop five figures without a decent return on investment outside of maybe some hollywood fantasy.

but it is working EXACTLY as it should, though. The idea was always the LLs would sell out, it always would just like the FPPs did. I’m not sure why anyone is acting surprised that it’s happening as the Emperor has foreseen?


Right now those bookings are regular people with pent up vacation needs and budgets. We are coming to the end of this “revenge travel” period, though. When that happens I believe they will see a big downturn in their bookings.


I was just thinking that same thing, I’m glad I decided to just throw money at it upfront to get an extra 10 mins of sleep every morning.


But G+ is not the same as LL. People with G+ are having increasing issues getting return times for rides. Thats the part that is problematic for them.

You still can add it to a ticket. I’d suggest anyone who wants to, to add it to their ticket now.